
Design Contributions for Open Source Software


NUMI Open Design

Open source software doesn't get enough design love.

There are many possible reasons for this: project maintainers are usually not designers; they're spread too thin to go out and recruit designers to contribute; designers are underrepresented in OSS because it's as accessible and as approachable as it is for engineers.

Whatever the cause, one thing is for sure: OSS deserves more design. NUMI is in a privleged position to be able to both recognize this gap and help fill it. We're a guild of designers on a mission to level up the design of every startup and software project. We've built so much of our tech on the backs of OSS giants^, that we want to give back to the community in the form of design contributions.

For now, this is a pilot program that we're trying with a few friends in the OSS community. If the community values it and we can scale to meet the need, we will eagerly expand.

Curious to learn more? DM Agree, NUMI's cofounder or email hello at numi dot tech.


We're proud to have contributed logos to the following projects:

^ Fun fact: a few pivots ago, we got React Native working on iOS, Android, web, and Next.js -- even before Expo bundler supported non-native clients!