
:swimmer: Fetch packages from the NE Dynamic Packages API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Lambda Northern Europe (NE) Dynamic Package (Holiday) Provider

Codeship Dependency Status devDependency Status

A lambda function that listens to an SNS topic, makes a call to the Nordics' Price and Availability ("Price & Avail") cache API and sends the results to a S3 and to the client app via WebSockets.

API Gateway Reverse Proxy

In order to use the caching features of the AWS API Gateway to cache requests made to the Nordics API, we need to create an API Gateway endpoint.

Instead of directly calling the NE API endpoint, we use the following setup:


This meant that we had to create an API Gateway endpoint to serve as the reverse-proxy.

at present this is pointing to the Denmark (sd) endpoint for our MVP, but when we roll-out to more markets it will be 5 minutes of API Gateway setup (per NE region) and roughly 20 mins to map the URL query parameters for other regions.

Required Environment Variables

To run/develop/test this Lambda locally you will need a few Environment Variables. We recommend you export these using an .env file containing the following keys:

export API_GATEWAY_ENDPOINT=get_this_from_codeship
export NE_API_KEY=get_this_from_codeship
export NE_API_ENDPOINT=get_this_from_codeship
export AWS_REGION=eu-west-1
export AWS_IAM_ROLE=get_this_from_codeship
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=get_this_from_codeship
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=get_this_from_codeship
export AWS_S3_SEARCH_RESULT_BUCKET=numo-search-results
export WEBSOCKET_SERVER_URL=get_this_from_codeship
export LOG_LEVEL=fatal

set the correct values ... the easiest place to get these is CodeShip: https://codeship.com/projects/138820/configure_environment login using an incognito browser window the numo-labs-ci (GitHub user) also, only set the LOG_LEVEL on your localhost leave it out for Prod so we log all errors.

Sample NE Dynamic API Request & Response:

List of Trips for a 2 adults & 3 children

When we request a list of dptrips with the following parameters:

  adults: 2,
  children: 3

This translates to the following API Path:


Sample response (just one trip):

  "result": [
      "tripKey": "5153814995943278140",
      "tripDefinitionRuleId": 0,
      "siteId": 11,
      "marketUnitCode": "SD",
      "worldviewId": 486,
      "adults": 2,
      "children": 0,
      "duration": 3,
      "departureDate": "2016-07-10T00:00:00",
      "departureAirportWorldviewId": 1469,
      "departureAirportCode": "BLL",
      "price": 9074,
      "discount": 0,
      "currencyCode": "DKK",
      "isAllInclusive": false,
      "hotels": [
          "sequence": 2,
          "productCode": "HROMVIFR",
          "boardCode": "B",
          "roomtypeDescription": "Dobbeltværelse inkl. morgenmad",
          "boardCodeDescription": "Morgenmad",
          "hotelPartWorldviewId": 119525
      "flights": [
          "sequence": 1,
          "routes": [
              "legs": [
                  "destinationCode": "FRA",
                  "carrierCode": "LH",
                  "departureCode": "BLL",
                  "departureDateTime": "2016-07-10T18:40:00",
                  "arrivalDateTime": "2016-07-10T20:05:00",
                  "flightNumber": "841"
                  "destinationCode": "FCO",
                  "carrierCode": "LH",
                  "departureCode": "FRA",
                  "departureDateTime": "2016-07-10T21:30:00",
                  "arrivalDateTime": "2016-07-10T23:15:00",
                  "flightNumber": "242"
              "flightTime": "0435",
              "routeSequence": 1
              "legs": [
                  "destinationCode": "BRU",
                  "carrierCode": "SN",
                  "departureCode": "FCO",
                  "departureDateTime": "2016-07-13T06:35:00",
                  "arrivalDateTime": "2016-07-13T08:45:00",
                  "flightNumber": "3188"
                  "destinationCode": "BLL",
                  "carrierCode": "SN",
                  "departureCode": "BRU",
                  "departureDateTime": "2016-07-13T09:45:00",
                  "arrivalDateTime": "2016-07-13T11:20:00",
                  "flightNumber": "2249"
              "flightTime": "0445",
              "routeSequence": 2
          "marketingCarrierCode": "LH"
      "cruises": [],
      "tours": [],
      "transfers": [],
      "tripItinerary": "1:F_2:A",
      "expiryDate": "2016-07-05T19:34:19.5699716+02:00",
      "indexedDate": "2016-07-04T19:34:19.9700205+02:00",
      "tripUrl": "http://www.spies.dk/priceofferindependentaccomodationlist?QueryDepID=12676&QueryCtryID=6799&QueryAreaID=0&QueryResID=6800&QueryDepDate=20160710&QueryRetDate=20160713&QueryRoomAges=|42,42,&SelectedHotelCode=HROMVIFR&Price=9074&CategoryId=3&BestPrice=true",
      "searchKey": "11|0|1469|486|2016-07-10|3|2_|1:F_2:A"

List of Hotels

Given a list of dptrips (from the dptrips API endpoint) we still need to lookup the Hotel details in order to get the photos, ratings, location, etc.

So, imagine that you searched the /dptrips API endpoint for 2 adults and 3 children (see above for result sample) you would then need to extract the HotelID from the packages results and then make a request to the /hotels endpoint to get the additional data. in the NE API the hotel has the key: wvHotelPartId e.g: "wvHotelPartId": 10861

  "wvId": 10861,
  "caId": 8857,
  "name": "Altamar",
  "description": "Altamar er verdens mest klassiske Spies-hotel. Her kan vi tilbyde særlige Simon Spies-suiter, som blandt andet er indrettet med festlige indslag fra Simon. Vi kan også tilbyde Spies Easy Travel, som gør din rejse nemmere.\n\nPå Altamar får du de perfekte rammer for familiens ferie sammen - intet mindre. Det er et efterspurgt og meget værdsat Family Garden, som ligger højt og roligt på en sydvendt bjergskråning lige uden for Puerto Rico med en storslået udsigt over havet. Her findes alt, hvad der skal til, for at hele familien får en dejlig og afslappet ferie: opvarmede pools i vinterhalvåret, en hyggelig restaurant samt lejligheder til op til 5 personer.",
  "rating": {
    "guestRating": 4.4,
    "doubledRating": 7
  "geographical": {
    "countryId": 179,
    "countryName": "Spanien",
    "areaId": 108069,
    "areaName": "Gran Canaria",
    "resortId": 605,
    "resortName": "Puerto Rico"
  "location": {
    "latitude": 27.7886658,
    "longitude": -15.7194166
  "url": "http://www.travel.net/de-kanariske-oer/puerto-rico/altamar",
  "concept": {
    "id": "familyGarden",
    "title": "Family Garden"
  "images": [
      "url": "http://images1.travel.net/images/Hotel/LPAALTA1093_1_13.jpg?v=17",
      "description": "",
      "width": 696,
      "height": 307
      "url": "http://images1.travel.net/images/Hotel/LPAALTA1093_2_30.jpg?v=47",
      "description": "Fra Altamar har du en fantastisk udsigt over Atlanterhavet",
      "width": 1280,
      "height": 853
      "url": "http://images1.travel.net/images/Hotel/LPAALTA1093_3_15.jpg?v=17",
      "description": "",
      "width": 232,
      "height": 131
      "url": "http://images1.travel.net/images/Hotel/LPAALTA1093_4_14.jpg?v=17",
      "description": "",
      "width": 380,
      "height": 215
  "facts": [
      "id": "OutdoorPool",
      "name": "Pool",
      "value": "2 stk."
      "id": "DistanceToBeach",
      "name": "Nærmeste strand",
      "value": "1,5 km"
      "id": "DistanceToCenter",
      "name": "Nærmeste centrum",
      "value": "500 m"
      "id": "Bar",
      "name": "Bar",
      "value": "Ja"
      "id": "ChildrenPool",
      "name": "Børnepool",
      "value": "Ja"
      "id": "Elevator",
      "name": "Elevator",
      "value": "(kabelelevatorer som til tider kan være forstyrrende)"
      "id": "PoolBar",
      "name": "Poolbar",
      "value": "Ja"
      "id": 130,
      "name": "Restaurant",
      "value": "1"
      "id": "MiniMarket",
      "name": "Minimarked",
      "value": "Ja"
      "id": "CleaningDaysPerWeek",
      "name": "Rengøring (antal dage pr. uge)",
      "value": "5"
      "id": "Internet",
      "name": "Internet",
      "value": "Mod betaling"
      "id": "WaterSlide",
      "name": "Vandrutsjebane",
      "value": "Nej"
      "id": "LolloAndBernie",
      "name": "Lollo och Bernie",
      "value": false
      "id": "IsAdultHotel",
      "name": "Adult hotel",
      "value": false
      "id": "AllInclusive",
      "name": "All Inclusive",
      "value": false
  "hotelProduct": {
    "id": 43,
    "key": "FamilyGarden"
  "interestProducts": [
      "id": 61,
      "key": "AllTypesOfInclusive"
      "id": 85,
      "key": "AllChildrensClub"
      "id": 77,
      "key": "FreeWiFi"
      "id": 79,
      "key": "WiFiAllOverHotel"
  "importUpdateId": "2016-03-15T10:25:06.315Z"

Sample Package Result

See: /test/sample_results/sample_package.json
