- Jekyll
- Netlify CMS
- Bootstrap Navbar
Create Notes and organize them by the course
- mathematics, geography, etc
Create groups for courses
- fall 2019, winter 2019, etc
Dedicated Projects 'Course' to blog about specific projects
- already initialized in template
- Landing Page shows recent posts and an RSS feed
- Notes Page shows notes organized by Course Groups in a bootstrap accordion
- the leaves of the accordion are the Courses
- the notes for that course are listed under the leaf expansion
- Projects Page shows all the posts under the Projects class
Post Netlify Deploy
In the Netlify account
- Enable Identity
- Enable Github Gateway
Create a login with Sign Up in the admin tab
- login after authenticating email
Ensure adding new course groups shows up
- in the selction of course group option
- while creating new courses
Ensure adding new courses shows up in the
- in the selection of the course option
- when creating new posts
In case you want to add Trello Board or some Kanban-type tracker board, use the Progress Board Page
- simple paste the URL
Usage Notes
- it takes some time (depends on latency on the netlify server and your internet connection)
- for the newly added courses and course group options to populate the dropdown menu
- sometimes this is almost 20-25 minutes
- current depoly status can be monitored
- in the Deploy tab of your website in Netlify
- refresh the page bunch of times after the deploy has completed
- if the options dont show up immediately