
Primary LanguageC


a simple lua static html generator.

for a quick introduction, head over to the quickstart section!


for most of my use-cases the web development tools i encountered are not pleasant to work with and turn web development into a surprisingly burdensome task that requires me to spend more time learning and fighting the tools rather than focussing on the content itself. that i perceive as time wasted.

what is luatml

  • a lua library and domain-specific language to write html, with handy utility functions.
  • a cli tool to translate this "lua-html" to static html.
  • and a small set of guidelines, recommendations and examples


there are a few ways to use luatml, all of them boil down to the core feature: converting lua to html. this example does focus only on that part.

  1. download and compile[1] the luatml cli program
$ git clone https://github.com/numpad/luatml.git
$ cd luatml/
$ make
  1. create a new lua file helloworld.lua and copy the code below.

  2. translate the file to html and save it: ./luatml build helloworld.lua > index.html.

  3. view the index.html in a browser.

    [1]: compiling luatml requires a C99 compliant compiler and lua.

-- helloworld.lua

require 'luatml'

return html {
    head {
        meta { charset="utf-8" },
        title "a very simple website",
        style [[
            .subtitle {
                color: #444;
    body {
        h1 "hello, world!",
        p {
            "there's not much more to luatml :)",
            class = "subtitle"


luatml is plain-old lua, mostly just making use of the languages optional parenthesis.

HTML luatml translation
<p>Hello World</p> p "Hello World", p("Hello World") or p { "Hello World" }
<p style="color: red;">Hello World</p> p { "Hello World", style="color: red;" }
<button hx-post="/clicked">Click me</button> button { "Click me", ["hx-post"]="/clicked" }
<ul><li>first</li><li>second</li></ul> ul { li "first", li "second" }
<MyCustomTag></MyCustomTag> luatml_tag"MyCustomTag" {}