

Licensed under WTFPL(Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License)where applicable && if necessary


I don't want random apps launching default browser, and sometimes I want redirecting magic links to open in specific browsers. This app solve that problem by pretending to be a browser and capturing the URL so you can just ignore it, or copy-paste it.

Compilation instruction

  • C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v3.5\csc.exe /target:winexe main.cs
    If above is not found, look for csc.exe in your system. Any of those will do.


  1. Run register_as_browser.reg
  2. Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\BrowserChooserHTM\shell\open\command and \runas\command
  3. Fix path in DEFAULT key to point to main.exe, e.g. "C:\main.exe" "%1"
  4. Set BrowserChooserHTM as your "browser"
  5. All URLs open in this "default browser" so you can copy paste that URL


Spawns a window with a textbox, gets arguments to the app, prints the argument in the textbox for the user to copy.


Security aspects are not considered in this souce code. wcgw.