- 3
Archive this repo
#89 opened by person142 - 1
Collaboration with XND
#17 opened by teoliphant - 7
Balancing correctness vs. type sanity
#12 opened by shoyer - 3
Plan for migrating the stubs to NumPy
#87 opened by person142 - 3
Don't allow initializing `generic`
#77 opened by person142 - 13
- 0
- 1
- 5
- 5
What to do with array_like variables
#37 opened by johanvergeer - 7
Unsigned int constructors too generous
#72 opened by person142 - 3
conda distribution
#68 opened by analog-cbarber - 4
Add typing_extensions as a dependency
#60 opened by person142 - 2
- 1
Please expose Shape and ShapeLike
#39 opened by NeilGirdhar - 3
How do you use this package?
#40 opened by geiszla - 1
Add zip_safe=False to
#36 opened by aldanor - 0
Type error with `np.dtype`
#42 opened by person142 - 2
Want to contribute to project
#35 opened by theodoretliu - 7
Continuous integration tests
#3 opened by shoyer - 0
- 1