- Examples:
- bmi: simple Body Mass Index calculator
- CozaLozaWoza: replace divisible numbers with Coza, Loza, and Woza
- divisibleBy11: checks if a number is divisible by 11
- guessTheNumber: guess the number game
- hasEight checks to see if a number has eight
- rectangle: a class to get the area and primitor of a rectangle
- circle: get the area and circumferenc of a cicle
- cellPhone: a class describing a cell phone
- dice: a class to roll a dice with customizeable sides
- choHan: simplified game of choHan
- employee: a class to represent an employee
- Exercises:
- sinChecker: checks if a Social Insurance Number is valid
- craps: simulates a game of craps
- computerGuessingGame: computer trys to guess your secret number
- pokerDice: simplified game of Poker Dice using only three dice
- necklace: starting two numbers are 1 and 8, twelve steps are required to close the necklace: 1 8 9 7 6 3 9 2 1 3 4 7 1 8.
- heater: a class to represent a heater. allows for increseing and decresing temperature
- vehicle: a class to represent a car on a road trip
- date: a class for adding and subtracting dates
- account: a class to represent a bank account
- gotchiGame: a pokemon like game
- wordle: a text based wordle clone
- rainfallStatistics: get the rain fall for all months and get the avrage
- wheelOfNames: pick random names from a list
- lockers: simulate students opining and closing lockers
- analysis: A program that analyzes a set of numbers can be very useful.
- driversLicence: a simple test program