- 0
出售一份自己人工手动下载人脸数字人的数据集原始视频 ,视频分辨率1080-4k口播视频,可用于训练wav2lip-192,wav2lip-288,wav2lip-384,wav2lip-512,DINet-256,NeRF等模型。微信douzijun1999 请注明来意
#133 opened by dousang1999 - 0
OSError: [WinError 126]
#132 opened by kengao022 - 0
#131 opened by Battlecraft369 - 1
- 3
- 0
Always getting IndexError
#129 opened by javascriptdotexe - 2
#128 opened by ZYOhub - 2
cannot import name undefined from pydantic.fields
#126 opened by aryansid - 31
The Fix for Torch and GPU problem
#86 opened by APCOTech - 0
How to use the wav2lip studio through command line or the API ? The API's on automatic111 show only the built-in scripts. How can we add wav2lip in the API's ?
#125 opened by shrangideqode - 6
RuntimeError: Couldn't load custom C++ ops.
#94 opened by itsmikepowers - 0
What is the point in abusing the wav2lip open source project by listing this repo if you are hiding the real application behind a paywall on patreon?
#123 opened by cantonalex - 2
- 0
upload timeout,file size:27.6M
#122 opened by eMei0 - 0
Pay for stand alone version
#121 opened by VitaliyAT - 3
Automatic1111 Ext not work
#114 opened by hoanghohotel - 0
- 0
Stuck in faceswap
#119 opened by schauhan592 - 0
Who needs high-quality lip sync - contact me!
#118 opened by Chechgroup - 0
- 2
Suggestion to Extend Support for Comfy UI
#96 opened by Iteravse - 7
Torch is not able to use GPU; add --skip-torch-cuda-test to COMMANDLINE_ARGS variable to disable this check
#112 opened by hotdogarea - 0
#116 opened by 576196565 - 0
- 0
- 1
- 3
Torch not compiled with CUDA enabled
#111 opened by hotdogarea - 1
No module named 'scripts.wav2lip_uhq_extend_paths'
#109 opened by emourdavid - 0
#108 opened by a614349007 - 0
What does this do?
#107 opened by Sora233 - 7
Stable Diffusion WEBUI stop working after installing "sd-wav2lip-uhq". CUDA TorchAudio issue. On clean- new virtual env.
#98 opened by 0Core - 3
ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence
#105 opened by enragedshoe - 3
timers just continue, never processes.
#102 opened by JustCann - 0
ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import
#104 opened by NC17z - 1
RuntimeError: Detected that PyTorch and TorchAudio were compiled with different CUDA versions. PyTorch has CUDA version 11.8 whereas TorchAudio has CUDA version 11.7.
#103 opened by AK51 - 7
希望作者能出一个版本 脱离sd的,只想要这一个功能 sd 又特别笨重
#82 opened by 1229064537 - 7
conda Conflict
#100 opened by chaorenai - 0
wav2lip_gan model error
#101 opened by U-DI-Page - 2
moov atom not found / float division by zero
#97 opened by GsHeri - 0
期待支持 wav2lip-288
#95 opened by tailangjun - 2
RuntimeError: Couldn't load custom C++ ops. This can happen if your PyTorch and torchvision versions are incompatible, or if you had errors while compiling torchvision from source.
#84 opened by ABZig - 2
Is it possible to not use/install bark at all???? It's causing problems and errors: (ValueError: need at least one array to concatenate)
#87 opened by AIhasArrived - 0
issue withe the colab version
#92 opened by Sadrahel - 0
The video went blurry after the face swap
#91 opened by wang-ba-ba - 0
RuntimeError: unexpected EOF, expected 45345 more bytes. The file might be corrupted.
#90 opened by Song367 - 2
- 3
- 9
RuntimeError: Torch is not able to use GPU
#81 opened by prezofpizza - 3
fatal: unable to access '': Recv failure: Connection was reset '
#83 opened by Pancat007 - 0
Time out uploading data to server
#85 opened by enterprisium