
Step by step instruction how to install Cython on Windows for compilation

Installing Cython on Windows!

Missing Step By Step Guide

Simple installation and configuration of Cython on Windows can be problematic. Here You will find all steps including MinGW installation, needed to bootstrap Your compiler.


STEP 1 Simply install Cython by console:

pip install cython

STEP 2 Install MinGW compiler from this localization. Do not install any additional packages right after install. You will do it from console in one of the next steps.

STEP 3 Add location of MinGW compiler (for example c:\mingw\bin) to Your system path.

GO TO: Control Panel -> System -> Advanced Tab -> Environment Variables -> System Variables

Find entry named "Path" and add Your path at the end after semicolon

STEP 4 Open Windows command line console - CMD and run these commands:

mingw-get install gcc

mingw-get install mingw-utils

STEP 5 Go to Python distutils folder (for example C:\Python34\Lib\distutils): Create file named distutils.cfg containing:



STEP 6 Find Python .dll library. It should be named like python34.dll or python27.dll. Library can be found at location C:\Windows\System32 or C:\Windows\SysWOW64 .

In windows CMD:

cd c:\python34\libs

pexports c:\windows\SysWOW64\python34.dll > python34.def

dlltool -C -d python34.def -l libpython34.a

Some pre-made libraries for Python 2.7 and 3.4 can be downloaded from this location.


Compilation instructions can be found here: http://docs.cython.org/src/reference/compilation.html
