Python Django Website Deployed Via Terraform On EC2 Instance

Automatic deployment and management of a Django website using Docker, Terraform, and EC2 instances in AWS.

What, Why, How

  • What? This is a Terraform stack to construct, deploy and manage a website with EC2 instances.

  • Why? To demonstrate running a simple website in AWS on an EC2 instance.

  • How? This repo contains the Docker Compose files to run a Django website locally and also in AWS on an EC2 instance.


  • AWS profile configuration and credentials set. AWS CLI Configuration User Guide
  • AWS Region specified in ./terraform/variables.tfvars file.
  • Optional Namespace setting for your stack set in ./terraform/variables.tfvars.

Quickstart One Step Deploy

Set the prerequisite information, and then from the root of this repo, run:

make apply

This will begin the Terraform process in your AWS account and region specified in the ./terraform/variables.tfvars file noted above in the prerequisites. The image used in the EC2 instance to run the website can be found on Docker Hub at nungster/ec2_website or pulled via

docker pull nungster/ec2_website:latest

Implementation details

The stack created by this terraform module is composed of:

  • Compute
    • EC2 instance
  • Network
    • Virtual Private Cloud
    • Internet Gateway
    • Security Group
    • Subnet
  • Security
    • SSH Key Pair



Name Description Type Default Required
aws-profile The name of the AWS shared credentials account. string aws-profile yes
aws-region The AWS region string aws-region yes


Name Description
browser_connection_string The URL of the website
ssh_connection_string SSH connection string to the webserver


  • Split out Database to RDS
  • Use ECR for Docker image Repository instead of a public repo
  • IAM roles and policies to allow EC2 instances to read and pull ECR images
  • Implement load balancing and ability to use more EC2 instances