Final project for the course Algorithms for speech and natural language processing - Master MVA, ENS Paris-Saclay (2021-2022)

This repository contains the work done by Yujin Cho, Loubna Ben Allal, Gabriel Baker and Chloé Sekkat for their final project in the course Algorithms for speech and natural language processing at the master MVA, ENS Paris-Saclay.

For this project, we worked on a tokenization-free encoder for language representation called CANINE. It is the first character-level pre-trained deep encoder that is completely tokenization-free and vocabulary-free. We studied the performance of CANINE on several NLP tasks and compare it to other models (similar to BERT).


The code was tested with Python3.8.6

pip install -r requirements

Please note that you will need to update manually the versions of torch, torchaudio and torchvision depending on your hardware.

Structure of the repository

This repository has been divided into 3 main categories, each containing sub-categories depending on the task we evaluated the models on.

├── requirements.txt
├── sh_scripts                  # Bash scripts
    └── qa/                     # QA related bash scripts (CLI)
├── source                      # Source code main package   
    ├── qa/                     # QA related source code                               
    └── nli/                    # NLI related source code  
    └── NER/                    # NER related source code  
├── notebooks                   # Notebooks (showcase of experiments)
    └── qa/                     # QA related notebooks
    └── NER/                    # NER related notebooks
    └── sa/                     # SA related notebooks

Question Answering:

  • notebooks/qa: the notebooks we used for our QA experiments.
  • source/qa: source code needed to prepare and train CANINE for Question Answering task. Also allows for zero-shot transfer evaluation on XQuAD (for more information, refer to corresponding
  • sh_scripts/qa: collection of bash scripts to finetune and evaluate models on QA tasks (for more information, refer to corresponding


  • source/nli: source code needed to prepare and train CANINE and BERT for NLI task (for more information, refer to corresponding


  • notebooks/NER: the notebooks we used for our NER experiments.
  • source/NER: source code needed to prepare and train CANINE for NER task (for more information, refer to corresponding

Sentiment Analysis:

  • notebooks/sa: the notebooks we used for our SA experiments.