Implementation of the [Floyd–Warshall]( algorithm using [Open MPI]( to develop a parallel programming for distributed memory environments.
The problem to solve consists in finding the shortest path between all pairs of nodes in a given graph G = (V, E) where V represent the vertexes and E represents the edges. The idea is for every pair of vertexes (Vi, Vj) find the size of the shortest path possible that connects Vi to Vj.
#### The input file must have the following format:
- The first line must have the parameter N which is the number of rows and columns of the matrix that represents the graph
- The N following lines must have also N columns with numbers where each one represents the distance between the vertex of the line i and the vertex of the column j
$ make build
$ mpirun -np ${N_PROCESSES} -hostfile ${HOSTFILE} floyd < ${INPUT_FILE}
$ # Example: mpirun -np 4 -hostfile hosts.txt floyd < inputs/input300x300.txt
$ make tests
$ make clean