
Implementation and benchmarks of Transactions in the Query Engine (TiQuE)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

TiQuE - Transactions in the Query Engine

This repo provides benchmarks and implementations of Transactions in the Query Engine, or TiQuE for short. The complete design can be found in the corresponding paper, TiQuE: Improving the Transactional Performance of Analytical Systems for True Hybrid Workloads, accepted for VLDB 2023. You can check out the paper here.


TiQuE aims to push the transactional isolation to the query engine, by leveraging additional relations to represent metadata and using the query language (in this case, SQL) to compute the snapshot, process writes, and perform conflict computation. This allows building the isolation directly from the data definition, independently of the storage layer. Some advantages include adding efficient transactional support for systems that only support simpler guarantees - such as single atomic writes - supporting a wide gamut of isolation criteria, and providing transactional guarantees to polyglot systems (systems comprised of different database engines, possibly using different data models).

As shown in the following diagram, TiQuE's architecture considers three main layers:

  • Client - the client applications that read and write to the database;
  • Abstraction Layer - interface that receives clients' requests (based on the original schema) and translates them to the schema used by TiQuE. If possible, this layer is implemented directly in the database with views (translates reads) and rules/triggers (translates writes). If not, it can also be implemented in the database driver;
  • Physical Layer - contains the application's data and metadata required by TiQuE.

We use TiQuE for hybrid transactional-analytical workloads, by adding an efficient transactional isolation layer on top of MonetDB, an OLAP-first database system. This allows us to substantially improve both transactional and hybrid performance, with little impact on analytical performance, making it competitive with HTAP systems. For example, the following chart plots the total response time of running all 22 CH-benCHmark queries against the TPC-C throughput with 32 clients (512 warehouses; more details in the paper and in the results folder).


(All tests were performed using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)


sudo chmod +x bench/install.sh

Prepare the dataset

cd bench

# Create dataset 
# (located at py-tpcc/pytpcc/tpcc_data_<warehouses>_<scale>)
# Replace <warehouse> with the number of warehouses
# Replace <scale> with the dataset scale:
#  scale=1 means the standard size;
#  scale=2 means half of the standard size; 
#  and so on.
# WARNING: as this relies on in-memory sqlite to generate the dataset,
# ensure that the system has enough memory (or memory + swap).
python3 gen_data.py <warehouses> <scale>

# Generate single key version (for tique and monetdbsinglekey)
python3 sql_tpcc_to_single_key.py py-tpcc/pytpcc/tpcc_data_<warehouses>_<scale>

Start the target database

Check the Section Database setup.


  • OLTP (TPC-C, adapted from https://github.com/apavlo/py-tpcc/)

    sudo chmod +x ./run_oltp.sh
    # change the configs of run_oltp.sh if needed (e.g., database, warehouses, scale, clients, contention, ...)
    # the driver name can also be passed as argument (tique|monetdb|monetdbsinglekey|postgres|singlestore|tidb)
    ./run_oltp.sh [driver]
  • OLAP (CH-benCHmark, adapted from https://db.in.tum.de/research/projects/CHbenCHmark/)

    sudo chmod +x ./run_olap.sh
    # change the configs of run_olap.sh if needed (e.g., database, warehouses, scale, clients, ...)
    # the driver name can also be passed as argument (tique|monetdb|monetdbsinglekey|postgres|singlestore|tidb)
    ./run_olap.sh [driver]
  • HTAP (TPC-C + CH-benCHmark)

    sudo chmod +x ./run_hybrid.sh
    # change the configs of run_hybrid.sh if needed (e.g., database, warehouses, scale, clients, ...)
    # the driver name can also be passed as argument (tique|monetdb|monetdbsinglekey|postgres|singlestore|tidb)
    ./run_hybrid.sh [driver]
  • Long-running transaction benchmark

    # the required arguments are the list of clients, the duration (in seconds), and the driver;
    # for TiQuE, set the -l flag to use the long-running transactions optimization.
    # (also for TiQuE, run over a clean database)
    python3 long_tx_bench.py -c <LIST_OF_CLIENTS> -t <TIME> [-l] <DRIVER>
    # E.g.:
    python3 long_tx_bench.py -c 1 2 4 8 16 32 -t 60 -l tique
    # for the list of available drivers and other options, use the -h flag.

Correctness checker (Elle)

We also provide a consistency checker of TiQuE using Elle, to demonstrate that it guarantees Snapshot Isolation.


  • Install and start MonetDB;
  • Install dependencies:
    sudo chmod +x ./checker/install.sh
  • Make sure there is a X11 server available and reachable and the DISPLAY variable is set. With headless Ubuntu, this can be done with the following commands:
    # install xvfb
    sudo apt-get -y install xvfb
    # start the virtual display in the background
    Xvfb :99 &
    # set the DISPLAY variable
    export DISPLAY=:99
  • Update the database connection string in executor.py if necessary (for convenience, it uses database tpcc by default; reset the server if the database was previously used in a TPC-C run);
  • Run:
    cd checker
    # generate input (example with 10000 transactions)
    lein run generator 10000 input.json
    # execute transactions (output will be saved to 'history.edn' by default)
    python3 executor.py input.json [outfile]
    # check consistency (anomalies will be present in the 'checker/out' folder)
    # should return {:valid? true} (use CTRL-C to exit since the program will still be running after the output)
    lein run checker history.edn
    # OR run everything in one go
    sudo chmod +x run.sh

Database setup

(The optimizations performed can be found in databases/optimizations.md.)


  • Install MonetDB (adapted from the Jan22 release):

    cd databases
    sudo chmod +x install_monetdb.sh
  • Run:

    sudo chmod +x run_monetdb.sh
    # edit the run_monetdb.sh file to change the number of maximum workers (default=32) 
    # to start with a new database named tpcc
    ./run_monetdb.sh clean &> /dev/null &
    # to use a previously created database named tpcc
    ./run_monetdb.sh &> /dev/null &
  • Stop:

    sudo chmod +x stop_monetdb.sh


  • Install PostgreSQL (14):

    sudo chmod +x databases/install_postgres.sh
    # edit the script if needed to change the default configurations (e.g., shared buffers)
    ./databases/install_postgres.sh # already creates a 'tpcc' database
  • PostgreSQL automatically runs in the background using systemd with the postgresql service. To stop it, use systemctl stop postgresql.


  • Install SingleStore (8.0):

    cd databases
    sudo chmod +x install_singlestore.sh
    # get a free license key from the SingleStore website
    # https://www.singlestore.com/self-managed-standard/
    # replace <LICENSE_KEY> with license key obtained from SingleStore
    ./install_singlestore.sh <LICENSE_KEY>
  • Run:

    sudo chmod +x run_singlestore.sh
  • Stop:

    sudo chmod +x stop_singlestore.sh


  • Install TiDB (6.5.0):

    cd databases
    sudo chmod +x install_tidb.sh
  • Run:

    sudo chmod +x run_tidb.sh
  • Stop:

    sudo chmod +x stop_tidb.sh


Check the results folder.


  • Text

Nuno Faria, José Pereira, Ana Nunes Alonso, Ricardo Vilaça, Yunus Koning, and Niels Nes. TiQuE: Improving the Transactional Performance of Analytical Systems for True Hybrid Workloads. PVLDB, 16(9): 2274 - 2288, 2023. https://doi.org/10.14778/3598581.3598598

  • BibTeX
    title     = {TiQuE: Improving the Transactional Performance of Analytical Systems for True Hybrid Workloads},
    author    = {Faria, Nuno and Pereira, José and Nunes Alonso, Ana and Vilaça, Ricardo and Koning, Yunus and Nes, Niels},
    journal   = {Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment},
    volume    = {16},
    number    = {9},
    pages     = {2274--2288},
    year      = {2023},
    publisher = {VLDB Endowment},
    doi       = {10.14778/3598581.3598598}