
My personal Hugo-driven static website

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

This repository is the source code for my personal website located at ethanrosenthal.com. The static website is generated with Hugo and deployed with netlifly.

Rendering Notebooks

Pip install my fork of nb_hugo_exporter:

pip install git+git@github.com:EthanRosenthal/nb_hugo_exporter.git@fix-images

Edit the notebook metadata (the wrench symbol on the left in jupyter lab, under Advanced Tools) to include the following tags:

  "date": "2018-12-06",
  "title": "spacecutter: Ordinal Regression Models in PyTorch",
  "slug": "spacecutter-ordinal-regression",
  "hasMath": true,
  "notebook": true

hasMath: true is required for katex to work. notebook: true is required for the notebook to be rendered correctly.

Convert the jupyter notebook to hugo-compatible markdown, e.g.

python -m nbconvert notebooks/2018-12-07-spacecutter-ordinal-regression.ipynb --to hugo --output-dir content/blog/spacecutter-ordinal-regression

Deal with the inevitable katex/latex issues that arise :(


Commit to master.