
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Unbabel frontend challenge - Nuno Reis solution

1. Brief Summary

The current project is a proposal for solving the frontend challenge presented by Unbabel. Considering the given problem and purpose of the challenge I decided to follow an Atomic Design Structure (know more about Brad Frost's approach here).

Following this approach my comoponets are divided in: atoms, molecules and organisms (from the simplest forms to more complex compositions). Then I use templates to define the layout of a view and finally a page that renders the whole composition.

I have created stories through Storybook that render each component in isolation proving that they can stand by themselves and hence be re-used anywhere.

The components handle everything that is presentational. Following Dan Abramov's approach for component composition (presentation components vs container components) I created containers that don't care about styles/presentation but know about the Redux Store and thus handle all logic within the app.

2. Get the project up and running

To get this project up and running in your machine I will assume you have NodeJS already installed.

Just go to the project repo and fork the project into your machine.

### Install Dependenies

In the project root install dependencies by running:

npm install

Run Storybook

To run Storybook server just run the script:

npm run storybook

If you would like to make a Storybook build just run:

npm run storybook-build

Run the project

To run a dev server and see the project, run the following script:

npm run dev-server

If you want to build the project, just use the script:

npm run build

3. Future considerations

As a retroespective on this development sprint I would like to make some considerations for future contributions to this project.

With a bit more time there are issues that could have been tackled in a different fashion for scalability reasons. For instance:

  • To handle asynchronous calls to the mock API I've used Redux Thunk as a middleware. Maybe in the future as the app grows, other more powerful middlewares systems could be considered to handle complex asyncrhonous functionality like authentication. For this reason maybe a future re-factor would be to change Redux Thank to Redux Sagas.
  • To design a scenario for the asynchronous post requests. It is important to provide some feedback to the user regarding the request to post the selected transcriptions. So maybe in the future handle this problem by programatically unchecking all the checkboxes and maybe provide some sort of visual feedback like a toast message that would pop from the side informing the user if the post request was successful or not.
  • Another consideration would be to integrate a testing system quite possibly using: Jest and enzyme. As of now Storybook makes a great job in proving that each component renders in isolation. Although the full functionality and logic lack testing to proof that the app works as expected and to capture potential bugs.