
Frontend Challenge with VueJS

Primary LanguageVue

Nuno Reis Solution - VueJS

1. Brief Summary

The current project is a proposal for solving the frontend challenge presented by Unbabel. This time around I used VueJS for solving the problem.

2. Structure

Component structure:

I kept on using the same logic that I used for structring the project in my react solution - the atomic design structure (know more about Brad Frost's approach here).

This time around I didn't prepare a storybook but indeed there is a storybook library dedicated to VueJS so it is possible to follow the same idea of presenting your components in isolation.

State management:

Being a VueJS project I used VueX for state management. I also kept using the philosophy proposed by Dan Abramov for separating presentational components (don't know or have access to the store, their only responsibility is purely presentational) from container components (don't have any responsibility on presentation / styles, their main responsibility is to communicate with the store and pass down data).

I also created a file to keep track of all store action and mutation types and pure functions that serve as action generators.

Communications with the API are done via a services folder alleviating the store out of this responsibility allowing it to care only about state management.


I chose to go with a CSS-IN-JS approach (as I did in my React project) and get rid of the <style> tags all together for the following reasons:

  • My code is less polluted, no class names, no ids, no style tags.
  • No margin for leaking styles out of their intention as the styles are the component itself;
  • Provides dynamic rendering and solves most of the CSS limitations that other pre-compiler like SASS / LESS try to but in a more elegant / maintainable way than pre-compilers.
  • A more isomorphic code. Opposite to the pre-compilers approach, you don't have to introduce another language (that browsers don't know about) and compile those into vanilla CSS. With styled components there is no need for after-compilation / build.
  • CSS-in-JS helps to avoid non-deterministic source order specificity.
  • A better development experience: CSS-in-JS gives the developer more expressiveness while encouraging more maintainable patterns than cascading.
  • Styled Components gives developers API to describe state-based styles in a better way than using a bunch of conditional class names.
  • This approach also helps with removing dead code.

3. Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn run build

Run your tests

yarn run test

Lints and fixes files

yarn run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.