
Very simple Node.js API for autocompleting addresses built with Express + TypeScript.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Very simple Node.js API for autocompleting addresses built with Express + TypeScript.

Currently hosted on my Oracle Cloud ARM VM instance: https://autocomplete-addresses-api.nunogois.com

Uses autocomplete-addresses as the front-end.

Since I prefer a microservice and decoupled approached compared to setting up monorepos, as always I decided to separate the front-end and back-end in different repos. Who knows, maybe this API will be consumed by other front-end apps in the future, so it should live independently.

flowchart LR
  A[Front-end\nautocomplete-addresses] -- Search Query --> B[Back-end\nautocomplete-addresses-api]
  B -- Addresses, max 20 --> A

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/nunogois/autocomplete-addresses-api.git;
  2. cd into the folder: cd autocomplete-addresses-api;
  3. Install dependencies: yarn or npm install;
  4. Run tests: yarn test or npm run test;
  5. Run the server: yarn start or npm run start;

Developer Log

Even though I wanted to use something like trie-search for the autocomplete functionality, it seems it does not support TypeScript currently. Because of that, I decided to implement my own approach in an OOP-like manner with searchable.ts. It's totally in-memory after reading the JSON file, so it should also be pretty fast with a similar functionality.

I considered the tests included in the tests folder for router.ts and searchable.ts to represent a good enough code coverage given the time available.

Also added some comments to the code, even though most are redundant, since the code is pretty self-explanatory.