
An example e-commerce that uses Gestpay starter

Primary LanguageJavaScript


In this project you'll see an example e-commerce that will pay through Gestpay Starter solution.

## Prerequisites

  • NodeJS (4+)
  • ngrok, if you want to launch this example locally on your development machine.

How to start

  • install the dependencies: npm install
  • open file properties.json and set your shopLogin
  • launch ngrok with ./ngrok http 3000, where 3000 is the port configured in properties.json.It will return an address like http://44bda365.ngrok.io
  • Go in Merchant Back Office and, in Configuration, configure your server address: for example http://44bda365.ngrok.io/response in URL for positive response, URL for negative response.
  • launch the app with npm start

Under the hood

This example tries to be as simple as possible. Here is a list of npm packages used:

  • Express, a web framework.
  • Handlebars, to render html templates
  • Soap, a node package to interact with SOAP endpoints.

There's more

  • npm run watch: will run the app but for every modification it will reload instantly. Useful during development;
  • npm test: will run all the tests
  • npm run test-watch: if you change something, tests will re-run
  • npm run jsdoc: you might like to have some documentation about the two modules used in this project, check it out.

Notable Files

  • server.js : contains all the express logic and configuration.
  • gestpay_service/GestpayService.js: used for communicating between server.js and wscryptdecrypt.js
  • wscryptdecrypt/wscryptdectypt.js: the low level file that will perform the soap calls to Gestpay.
  • properties.json: a file with some global properties.

A brief description of the user interaction

  • The main entry point is /, where the user can choose a product to pay.
  • After clicking on buy button, the server will ask Gestpay for an encryptionString and the user will redirect to /pay.
  • When the user clicks on pay, he will be redirected to Gestpay website to complete the payment.
  • When the payment is completed, Gestpay will call /response, our server will decrypt the encryptionString received, and the transaction status is showed to the user.