A repo for the 5 Day "App development with MEAN Stack" Workshop [1st September 2014 - 5th September 2014].
M - MongoDB
E - Expressjs
A - Angularjs
N - Nodejs
We will be going through the basics of Node.js
- What is Nodejs
- How Javascript on the server is different from Javascript on the client
- How Node's evented I/O works
- Event Loops
- Essential Node's design patterns
- NPM, what is it & how to use it
We will going through the basics of Express.js
- What is Expressjs?
- Hands on Sample app
- Structuring an Express.js application
- Different serverside templating languages
- Understanding middlewares
We will go through the basics of MongoDB
- What is MongoDB?
- What is JSON/BSON data?
- Installing MongoDB?
- Interacting with MongoDB using mongo shell as well as MongoDB native drivers/Mongojs
- CRUD with MongoDB
- Node.js + MongoDB example
- Node.js + Express.js + MongoDB example
We will go through the basics of Angularjs
- What & Why of Angularjs
- Understanding that Angularjs is a framework and not a "2 way data binding library"
- Understanding Filters, Routers, Controllers and Factories
- Setup bower to maintain dependencies
- Hands on basic examples
- Angular.js + Express.js example
- Angular.js + Express.js + Node.js + MongoDB example
On the final day, we will build an End to End Todo Application leveraging the M.E.A.N stack.
Workshop Home Page : http://mean-workshop.herokuapp.com
- Download/clone this repo
- Run
node index.js
and navigate tohttp://localhost:3000