
Crazy? I Was Crazy Once...

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Once upon a time, in a world that was slightly off-kilter, I found myself on a path that led to madness. 😵 They say it's a thin line between brilliance and insanity, but I was about to teeter on the edge of that line, and it was a wild ride.

I Was crazy Once. 😵

It all began with a peculiar twist of fate. My thoughts swirled in a chaotic dance, and I couldn't help but question the reality around me. 😵 Was it me or the world that had gone mad? The more I pondered, the more I started to believe that I had taken a step into the unknown, where the bizarre became the norm, and sanity was a distant memory.

They Locked Me In A Room. 🔒

In an attempt to bring me back from the brink, they decided to take drastic measures. I found myself confined within the walls of a small, stark room, the door firmly locked, sealing me away from the outside world. 🔒 It was a decision made with the best of intentions, but in this realm of madness, intentions can have unpredictable consequences.

A Rubber Room. 🏥

The room I inhabited was unlike any other. It wasn't just any room; it was a rubber room, filled with soft, cushiony walls that seemed to mock my predicament. 🏥 It was as though the very walls conspired to keep me trapped in my own thoughts, bouncing back every idea and emotion I threw their way. The very essence of the room seemed to whisper, "You're not leaving anytime soon."

A Rubber Room With Rats. 🐀

As if the rubber walls weren't enough, the universe had one more peculiar twist in store for me. 🐀 The room was not empty; it was teeming with rats. These little creatures scurried about, their beady eyes watching my every move. At first, I thought they were the hallucinations of a tortured mind, but no, they were real, and they made this place their home.

And Rats Make Me crazy. 🐀

For some reason, the sight of those rats gnawing at my sanity was the tipping point. 🐀 I realized that perhaps I wasn't as crazy as they believed, and the real madness lay in the circumstances I found myself in. I decided to embrace my quirkiness, my eccentricities, and even the rats that had become my constant companions.