Zainpay Node SDK

NodeJS wrapper for making request to Zainpay API

Table of content

Getting Started

  • To get started with this SDK, create an account on Zainpay if you haven't already.
  • You can then retrieve your API keys from your dashboard.


This SDK can be installed with npm or yarn.

Using npm,

npm install zainpay-nodejs-sdk

Using yarn,

yarn add zainpay-nodejs-sdk


const { Zainpay, serviceTypes} = require('zainpay-nodejs-sdk'); // JavaScript

Instantiate the Zainpay class

  const reponse = await Zainpay({
    publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY,
    serviceType: serviceTypes.SERVICE_TYPE_NAME,
    sandbox: true,
    data: {
      "bankType": "wemaBank",
      "firstName": "Bello",
      "surname": "Samuel Sunday",
      "email": "",
      "mobileNumber": "0810000000",
      "dob": "12-08-1980",
      "gender": "M",
      "address": "Gidado street Kano",
      "title": "Mr",
      "state": "Kano",
      "zainboxCode": "{zainboxCode}"

Note: The Zainpay class takes in the following parameters:

  • publicKey - This is your public key, which can be found on your dashboard.

  • serviceType - This is the service you want to use, for example, CREATE_VIRTUAL_ACCOUNT.

  • sandbox - This is a boolean value, if set to true, it will use the sandbox API, if set to false, it will use the production(live) API.

  • data - This is the data you want to post as a payload, for example, the payload for creating a virtual account.

  • params - This is the params you want querying the strings, for example, the params for getting a virtual account.

  • For more information about the services exposed by the SDK, please refer to the documentation.

Service Type Name List


Available Services exposed by the SDK

The following services are available with this SDK

1. Create Zainbox

  • A zainbox is a virtual bucket that allows a merchant to create unlimited multiple virtual accounts.

  • This request enables a merchant to create a zainbox.

     const reponse = await Zainpay({
         publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY,
         serviceType: serviceTypes.CREATE_ZAINBOX,
         sandbox: true,
         data: {
           "tags": "test",
           "codeNamePrefix": "333",
           "callbackUrl": "",
           "email": "info@test.onlines"


        "status": "Success",
        "description": "successful",
        "data": {
            "codeName": "zB2lg6lJtcGzP5XqouN9",
            "name": "wecode-contribution"

2. Get All ZainBoxes

  • This request enables a merchant to get all your created zainboxes.

     const reponse = await Zainpay({
         publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY,
         serviceType: serviceTypes.ZAINBOXES,
         sandbox: true,


        "code": "00",
        "data": [
                "callbackUrl": "",
                "codeName": "THbfnDvK5o",
                "name": "test-box",
                "tags": "land, management"
                "callbackUrl": "",
                "codeName": "rAqwjnYO5chL3QuV7yk0",
                "name": "powershop8",
                "tags": "discos, kedco, aedc"
        "description": "successful",
        "status": "Success"

3. Create Virtual Account

  • Create a virtual account. Map a virtual account to a zainbox. A zainbox can hold multiple virtual accounts.

    const reponse = await Zainpay({
        publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY,
        serviceType: serviceTypes.CREATE_VIRTUAL_ACCOUNT,
        sandbox: true,
        data: {
            "bankType": "wemaBank", 
            "firstName": "kabir",
            "surname": "idris", 
            "email": "", 
            "mobileNumber": "08068869000", 
            "dob": "12-08-1999", 
            "gender": "M", 
            "address": "aminu babandi", 
            "title": "Mr", 
            "state": "Kano", 
            "zainboxCode": "{zainboxCode}"


        "accountName": "Samuel Sunday Bello",
        "accountNumber": "4426334208", 
        "bankName": "wemaBank",
        "email": ""

4. Get Virtual Accounts

  • This request enables you to get all virtual accounts linked to a zainbox.

    Parameter: zainboxCode(required).

     const reponse = await Zainpay({
         publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY,
         serviceType: serviceTypes.VIRTUAL_ACCOUNTS,
         sandbox: true,
         params: "{zainboxCode}"


            "bankAccount": "7966903286",
            "bankName": "035",
            "name": "Go fundme Limited"
            "bankAccount": "7969472891",
            "bankName": "035",
            "name": "Idris Urmi Bello"

5. Get Virtual Account Balance

  • This request enables you to the current wallet balance of a virtual account number

    Parameter: virtualAccoutNumber(required)

     const reponse = await Zainpay({
         publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY,
         serviceType: serviceTypes.VIRTUAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE,
         params: "{virtualAccoutNumber}"
         sandbox: true,


        "code": "00",
            "accountName": "Aminu Nasar Adam", 
            "accountNumber": "7966884043", 
            "balanceAmount": 372555, 
            "transactionDate": "2021-10-13T13:45:52" 
        "description": "successful",
        "status": "Success" 

6. Update Virtual Account Status

  • This request enables you to Activate or deactivate virtual account.

  • NOTE: Setting the status field to true will activate the virtual account, while setting it to false will deactivate it.

    Important Note A deactivated virtual account will not be able to receive or transfer funds

    const reponse = await Zainpay({
        publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY,
        serviceType: serviceTypes.UPDATE_VIRTUAL_ACCOUNT_STATUS,
        sandbox: true,
        data: {
          "zainboxCode": "{zainboxCode}", 
          "accountNumber": "7963799062", 
          "status": true 


            "code": "00",
            "description": "Successfully Updated Account",
            "status": "success"

7. All Virtual Account Balance of a Zainbox

  • This request enables a merchant to fetches all current account balances for all virtual accounts in a zainbox.

    Parameter: zainboxCode(required)

     const reponse = await Zainpay({
         publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY,
         serviceType: serviceTypes.ALL_VIRTUAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE,
         sandbox: true,
         params: "{zainboxCode}"


    "code": "00",
        "accountName": "Aminu Nasar",
        "accountNumber": "7966884043",
        "balanceAmount": 372555,
        "transactionDate": "2021-10-13T13:45:52"
        "accountName": "Khalid Ali Sani",
        "accountNumber": "1234567890",
        "balanceAmount": 200,
        "transactionDate": "2021-12-13T13:45:52"
        "accountName": "Nura Bala Usman",
        "accountNumber": "9900778833",
        "balanceAmount": 105000,
        "transactionDate": "2022-01-29T13:45:52"
    "description": "successful",
    "status": "Success"

8. Virtual Account Transactions

  • This request eanbles you to get all transactions of an account

    Parameter: accountNumber(required)

    const reponse = await Zainpay({
        publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY,
        serviceType: serviceTypes.ZAINBOX_TRANSACTIONS,
        sandbox: true,
        params: "{accountNumber}"


        "code": "00",
            "accountNumber": "7966884043",
            "destinationAccountNumber": "2000002105",
            "amount": 7289,
            "balance": 379844,
            "narration": "",
            "transactionDate": "2021-10-13T13:41:39",
            "transactionRef": "",
            "transactionType": "transfer"
            "accountNumber": "7966884043",
            "destinationAccountNumber": "1234567890",
            "amount": 7289,
            "balance": 372555,
            "narration": "",
            "transactionDate": "2021-10-13T13:45:52",
            "transactionRef": "",
            "transactionType": "transfer"
            "description": "successful",
            "status": "Success"

9. Get Bank List

  • This request enables a merchant to get the list of banks supported by Zainpay.

     const reponse = await Zainpay({
         publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY,
         serviceType: serviceTypes.BANK_LIST,
         sandbox: true,


    "code": "00",
    "data": [
        "code": "120001",
        "name": "9PAYMENT SERVICE BANK"
        "code": "090270",
        "name": "AB MICROFINANCE BANK"
        "code": "070010",
        "name": "ABBEY MORTGAGE BANK"
    "description": "Bank list",
    "status": "Success"

10. Create Settlement

  • This request enables a merchant to create a scheduled settlement for a zainbox. To create a scheduled settlement for a zainbox., please bear in mind that at any given time, a zainbox can only have one type of settlement.

Planned settlements are divided into three categories:

  • T1: Transaction plus one working day The value of the T1 schedule. The period must always be on a daily basis.
  • T2: Trasaction plus 7 days Transaction plus seven days for T7 schedule should be one of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.
  • T3: Transaction plus 30 days The schedule Period value for T30 should be 1 - 30 or lastDayOfMonth

*Important Note

  • Days like February 28th and February 29th, as well as months with only 30 days, will be covered by lastDayOfMonth.

The payload's settlementAccountList parameter is an array/list of bank accounts with their corresponding settlement percentages.


  • Let's say you have a zainbox with three virtual accounts, and you want to set it up so that the total deposits in these three virtual accounts are split between two accounts at every Transaction plus one day (T1). The first settlement account has 90% of the funds, whereas the second contains only 10%.

     const reponse = await Zainpay({
         publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY,
         serviceType: serviceTypes.CREATE_SCHEDULED_SETTLEMENT,
         sandbox: true,
         data: {
             "name": "new-daily-settlement3",
             "zainboxCode": "{zainboxCode}",
             "scheduleType": "T1",
             "schedulePeriod": "Daily",
             "settlementAccountList": [
                     "accountNumber": "1234567890",
                     "bankCode": "0009",
                     "percentage": "10"
                     "accountNumber": "1234567890",
                     "bankCode": "0009",
                     "percentage": "90"
             "status": true


        "name": "new-daily-settlement3", 
        "scheduleType": "T30", 
        "schedulePeriod": "Daily", 
        "zainboxCode": "THbfnDvK5op", 
        "status": true 

11. Get Settlement

  • This request enables a merchant to get settlement(s) tied to a zainbox

    Parameter: zainboxCode(required)

     const reponse = await Zainpay({
         publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY,
         serviceType: serviceTypes.GET_SCHEDULED_SETTLEMENT,
         sandbox: true,
         params: "?zainboxCode={zainboxCode}"

12. Name Enquiry

  • Use the bankCode acquired from the get bank list to validate a bank account number.

    Parameter: bankCode(required), accountNumber(required)

     const reponse = await Zainpay({
         publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY,
         serviceType: serviceTypes.NAME_ENQUIRY,
         sandbox: true,
         params: "?bankCode={bankCode}&accountNumber={accountNumber}"


        "code": "00",
        "data": {
            "accountName": "Nura Aminu Muhammad",
            "accountNumber": "004532112",
            "bankCode": "000014",
            "bankName": "ACCESS BANK"
        "description": "successful",
        "status": "Success"

13. Funds Transfer

  • Fund transfers can be made in the following ways:

    • Transferring money from one wallet to another
    • Make a bank account transfer from your wallet

    Zainpay infers your fund transfer type, so you don't have to specify it. The charges for each form of transfer are different. This charge can be obtained through your commercials.

    Important Note:

    • The amount in the JSON request should be converted to kobo decimalization. It is expected that neither float nor double values will be utilized in this case.
     const reponse = await Zainpay({
         publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY,
         serviceType: serviceTypes.FUNDS_TRANSFER,
         sandbox: true,
         data: {
           "destinationAccountNumber": "0044159752",
           "destinationBankCode": "000005",
           "amount": "9997",
           "sourceAccountNumber": "7966884043",
           "sourceBankCode": "0013",
           "zainboxCode": "{zainboxCode}",
           "txnRef": "2Zei390tghmnj",
           "narration": "Your school fees"


        "code": "01",
        "description": "successful queued",
        "status": "Queued"
    • A queued response means the transaction has successfully been validated and been processed. The final response should be accepted as an event push notification via the zainbox callback URL provided.

    Event Notification for a successful Transaction

        "data": {
        "accountNumber": "7964524199",
        "amount": {
        "amount": 2015 
        "beneficiaryAccountNumber": "7964524199",
        "beneficiaryBankCode": "0013",
        "narration": "inter bank transfers",
        "paymentRef": "BSTuvDYbGIy8krkoycY1",
        "txnDate": "2021-12-28T18:19:42.222226518",
        "txnRef": "121mqn1s",
        "txnType": "transfer"
        "event": "transfer.success"

14. Transfer Verification

  • The request can be used to verify a posted transfer by its txnRef acquired after successful Funds Transfer

    Parameter: txnRef(required).

     const reponse = await Zainpay({
         publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY,
         serviceType: serviceTypes.TRANSFER_VERIFICATION,
         sandbox: true,
         params: "{txnRef}"


        "code": "00",
        "data": {
            "amount": "8431",
            "destinationAccountNumber": "0044159752",
            "destinationBankCode": "000005",
            "narration": "lunch for naimat",
            "sourceAccountNumber": "7964524199",
            "txnDate": "2021-12-29T08:00:49",
            "txnStatus": "success"
        "description": "successful",
        "status": "Success"

15. Deposit Verification

  • The request can be used to verify a funds deposit notification received via our Deposit WebHook notification event

    Parameter: txnRef(required). The txnRef sent in the webhoook notificatoin payload.

     const reponse = await Zainpay({
         publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY,
         serviceType: serviceTypes.DEPOSIT_VERIFICATION,
         sandbox: true,
         params: "{txnRef}"

    Response for valid reference

        "code": "00",
        "data": {
            "amount": {
                "amount": 189000
            "bankName": "WEMA BANK",
            "beneficiaryAccountName": "4426141954",
            "beneficiaryAccountNumber": "4426141954",
            "narration": "Transfer from Nura M Bello Garindau IDFinder ",
            "paymentDate": "2022-08-23T18:56:48.718614",
            "paymentRef": "DI59Ul5jhKyQIOUzDfVm",
            "sender": "4425640169",
            "senderName": "4425640169",
            "txnDate": "2022-08-23T18:56:48.718441",
            "txnRef": "vat_1661281008padGWEQEYY",
            "txnType": "deposit",
            "zainboxCode": "oD6mV9U1wH6n8NvFMxrc"
        "description": "successful",
        "status": "Success"

    Response for invalid reference

        "code": "04",
        "description": "Txn not found",
        "status": "Failed"

16. Zainbox Transactions History

  • This request enables you to Get a list of transactions from a particular zainbox

    Parameter: zainboxCode(Required)

     const reponse = await Zainpay({
         publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY,
         serviceType: serviceTypes.ZAINBOX_TRANSACTIONS,
         sandbox: true,
         params: "{zainboxCode}"


        "code": "00",
        "data": [
            "accountNumber": "7964524199",
            "amount": 45000,
            "balance": 45000,
            "narration": "",
            "transactionDate": "2021-12-28T11:47:45",
            "transactionRef": "",
            "transactionType": "deposit"
            "accountNumber": "7964524199",
            "amount": 923000,
            "balance": 968000,
            "narration": "",
            "transactionDate": "2021-12-28T11:48:35",
            "transactionRef": "",
            "transactionType": "deposit"
        "description": "successful",
        "status": "Success"

17. Total Payment Collected By Zainbox

  • Get the sum of total amount collected by all virtual accounts for a particular zainbox in a particular period, for both transfer and deposit transactions

    Parameter: zainboxCode (Required), dateFrom (optional, if not provided, the system returns the data of the current month), dateTo (optional)

     const reponse = await Zainpay({
         publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY,
         serviceType: serviceTypes.TOTAL_PAYMENT_COLLECTED,
         sandbox: true,
         params: "{zainboxCode}?dateFrom=2022-02&dateTo=2022-03"


    "code": "00",
    "data": [
        "count": 4,
        "dateFrom": "2022-02",
        "dateTo": "2022-03",
        "total": "12690",
        "transactionType": "deposit"
        "count": 4,
        "dateFrom": "2022-02",
        "dateTo": "2022-03",
        "total": "29038",
        "transactionType": "transfer"
    "description": "Summary grouped by txn type",
    "status": "Success"

18. Zainbox Profile and Current Billing Plan

  • Get the complete profile of a Zainbox, including the Current Billing Plan for account to account and interBank transfers respectively

    Parameter: zainboxCode (Required)

     const reponse = await Zainpay({
         publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY,
         serviceType: serviceTypes.ZAINBOX_PROFILE,
         sandbox: true,
         params: "{zainboxCode}"


    "code": "00",
    "description": "successful",
    "status": "Success",
    "data": {
        "zainbox": {
            "callbackUrl": "http://localhost:5000/notification",
            "codeName": "THbfnDvK5o",
            "name": "test-box",
            "tags": "land, management"
        "account2AccountBilling": {
            "fixedCharge": "1000",
            "percentageCharge": 1.5
        "interBankBilling": {
            "fixedCharge": "5000.0",
            "percentageCharge": 1.4

19. Merchant Transactions

  • This request enables you to get the list of first 50 transactions of a merchant

     const reponse = await Zainpay({
         publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY,
         serviceType: serviceTypes.MERCHANT_TRANSACTIONS,
         sandbox: true,


    "code": "00",
        "accountNumber": "7964524199",
        "amount": 45000,
        "balance": 45000,
        "narration": "",
        "transactionDate": "2021-12-28T11:47:45",
        "transactionRef": "",
        "transactionType": "deposit"
        "accountNumber": "7964524199",
        "amount": 923000,
        "balance": 968000,
        "narration": "",
        "transactionDate": "2021-12-28T11:48:35",
        "transactionRef": "",
        "transactionType": "deposit"
    "description": "successful",
    "status": "Success"

20. Initialize Payment

  • This request enables a merchant to initialize a card payment. The data field of the response returned is a url which you can redirect your users to visit and make the payment.

    Parameter: email, amount, txnRef (unique per each request), mobileNumber, zainboxCode, emailAddress and callBackUrl. Please Note that all parameters are required. The amount parameter should be in kobo decimilization.

        const reponse = await Zainpay({
            publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY,
            serviceType: serviceTypes.INITIALIZE_PAYMENT,
            sandbox: true,
            data: {
                "amount": "100", 
                "txnRef" : "{txnRef}", 
                "mobileNumber": "08068869098", 
                "zainboxCode": "{zainboxCode}", 
                "emailAddress": "{email}",
                "successCallBackUrl" : "http://loclhost:8080/success",
                "failureCallBackUrl" : "http://loclhost:8080/failure"


            "code": "00",
            "data": "",
            "description": "card processing initialization",
            "status": "200 OK"

21. Get Card Payment Status

  • This endpoint is used to retrieve initiated payment status

     const reponse = await Zainpay({
         publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY,
         serviceType: serviceTypes.GET_CARD_PAYMENT_STATUS,
         sandbox: true,
         params: "{txnRef}"


        "code": "00",
        "data": {
            "amount": {
                "amount": 100
            "bankName": "",
            "beneficiaryAccountName": "4427505285",
            "beneficiaryAccountNumber": "4427505285",
            "narration": "Approved by Financial Institution",
            "paymentDate": "2022-08-09T15:56:01.686777",
            "paymentRef": "Z9I8XkNRta1hq2dlmMzlhwQ9F60dLw",
            "sender": "Zainpay Card",
            "senderName": "Zainpay Card",
            "txnDate": "2022-08-09T15:56:01.685982",
            "txnRef": "Q6166237864",
            "txnType": "deposit",
            "zainboxCode": "THbfnDvK5o"
        "description": "successful",
        "status": "200 OK"

22. Test Cards

  • The following cards can be used in the sandbox to make payments.

    Verve Card

    • 8920 6700 9023 471093
      • Expiry Date: 50/05
      • CVV: 390
      • Pin: 1234
      • OTP: 001122

    Master Card

    • 8930 6206 2217 9837
      • Expiry Date: 50/01
      • CVV: 738
      • Pin: 1111
      • OTP: 206221

Acceptable Cards - Verve - MasterCard - Visa - Union Pay - JCB - Discover - American Experess