Lightning Talks

Your goal is to create an exceedingly brief presentation of a 3rd party library or framework (~5 min). We encourage you to try to do a live demo / have a working code example. Please also create a brief github gist (or "cheat sheet") for your fellow developers, outlining your findings, and linking to any helpful tutorials, resources, hints, and tips you discover in your research. This is a great project to use as a blog post and/or describe to potential employers.

You should aim to answer the following questions:

  • What problem does the gem solve?
  • How do you use it in a rails app?

Pick a topic

Please sign up for your topic in the project submission Google doc, and don't repeat a topic someone has already chosen.

Topics by Language:

You are welcome to suggest your own topics!

Write up a short gist

Try a tutorial. Code up a demo. Experiment. Then write about what you discovered.

For inspiration on your gist, see this example.

Please use markdown, and make sure your codeblocks are correctly formatted and syntax highlight-ed.

And remember: Show Us The Code!

Get ready to present

You will have 5 minutes to introduce us to your chosen library, walk us through some code, and answer questions. Please keep it short and sweet.

We look forward to hearing your war stories. You may have a lot of false starts. You may not be able to get your demo to work. Share that experience.