
Login with Github

Primary LanguageRuby

Login with Github

Application was developed on Ruby on Rails. To start create a Github OAuth App Follow the next steps after clonning this repo:

  • Run bundle install on the terminal to install dependencies
  • Insert Client ID and Client Secret into .env file
  • Run rails s to start the application

.env config

.env file has to contain next vars


What was done

I have added next routes:

  • / for displaying link to login with Github
  • /auth/github redirects a user to request identity
  • /auth/github/cb Github redirects back to this URL
  • /logout to logout a user

I added auth_controller with following actions to handle routes.

  • index shows a page with link to Github Auth
  • login redirects to Github with needed params
  • cb handles response from Github. It will request access_token from Github. Further, with access_token will be requesting user info that will be stored (if doesn't exist) on the database and session
  • in the logout action will be removed user id from session, so will redirect to root url with flash message