A simple example of PHP REST API framework, built from scratch using vanilla PHP.

Primary LanguagePHP


A simple example of PHP REST API framework, built from scratch using vanilla PHP.

RUN using docker

  1. git clone the repo
  2. cd into project folder
  3. use docker-compose
    jun@b:~$ docker-compose up --build
    • you might get error about mysql not connect, just wait until mysql container up and running and refresh the page.
  4. stop the container
    jun@b:~$ docker-compose down

File structure


  • the core directory contains the core framework code.


  • contains our app code,
  • we define the routes in the App\Routes folder and all files in this folder will be loaded.
  • we define our models in App\Models extending the Core\Model class.
  • we define our controllers in App\Controllers extending the Core\Controllers class.


  • this is the main entry point of our application. request from nginx get redirected to public/index.php.


this is just a simple example, I will update new things if I have time and ideas to do it.

Things to add:

  • Sessions, and authentication example, using JWT
  • Token expired and refresh token example
  • using external environment-variable file.
  • file upload example.