Hobbyist in many languages and full stack PHP/TS/JS developer. I like to mess with new and neat things.
YadaYada AppsFlorida, USA
nurdism's Followers
- AngeloAugustoCSW
- anjolee
- BluejacketScottBluejacket Software
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- chogatooruAuckland
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- dpalmigiano
- EazyIf
- elhadede
- FlipperPlzBristol, Connecticut
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- Neustradamus
- nikuscs@indigitpt @25friday @flavorly @igerslike @laravelpt
- NMRXSTone2birds / altnativdev
- owenbcodingSelf Taught Developer Full Stack
- Pierrot-l3-F0UBabylon
- plantvsbirds
- Poseidon444Mars
- schiederme@zeug
- sheldonhull@DelineaXPM
- smlkdev
- theCodeMason
- Thoth87
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- xuo
- Zahid3747
- zeus0219