

  1. Create an Ansible Playbook to install HashiCorp Terraform and Vault on a Linux OS.
    • Bonus: Check for existing installation/s.
  2. Provide step/s to test the Playbook locally.
    • Bonus: Leverage a unit testing framework.
  3. Create an Ansible Task inside of a Role which runs an AWS command with arguments as key-value pairs. The Task should define a default key-value pair and allow the caller (i.e. Playbook) to override the defaults. E.g.:
# Role
- name: Task
  command: <command>

# Playbook
- role: role-name

What to Submit

  1. Fork main in this repo to your own namespace.
  2. Create a new branch in your repo with the name: <your_github_username>.
  3. Submit a PR from your forked repo into the main branch of this repo.