Changes your wallpaper based on machine analysis of the lyrics of the current playing song.
- AnujanCanada
- bernhard-hagmann@anexia
- betodealmeida@preset-io
- ChunderByte
- crearoGoogle Munich
- egfxSanta Monica
- idkokos
- IvoahGrove City, Pennsylvania
- iwanMilano, Italy
- jaxmannMSCS Student at Georgia Tech
- joelmgallantHalifax, NS
- jordanbangia@waabi-ai
- JorgeGCoelhoFCT/UNL
- josephvoss@cloudflare
- JustJenFeliceFremont, CA
- kotyy
- MahmoudDolahBrooklyn, NY
- mattdavenportKnoxville, TN
- micgro42@wikimedia
- michaelcunningham19REDspace
- MichaelVessia@flocasts
- mittwinterMeine, Germany
- mtearleAustralia
- niazangels
- obestwalter@Avira
- PhilipTraunerVienna
- polyzenNew York
- rhamzeh@openfga
- richardvenneman@beehiiv
- Ryan-McBrideOakland CA
- scotthasbrouckMelbourne, FL
- sietseGelderland, the Netherlands
- sleepdeprecation@Journera
- soularbowls
- subutuxdotArchie NV
- techhazardThe Netherlands