Sample case for ExtraWatts | Kiwi

Kiwi Electric Scooters was born to fight against ineffective urban transportation, traffic congestion as well as the problem of city-wide air pollution. Kiwi electric scooters are completely emission-free. Ride a Kiwi for the benefit of the environment. You’ll love the Kiwi Electric Scooter!

Application structure;
    # Assets: SVG files for Logo and map-marker-icon. 
    # Utils: Helper consts and methods.

    # App
        # Components
            # Sidebar
                - Appbar (Mobile version): Toolbar - IconButton (MenuIcon) - AppName (Logo)
                - Drawer: Pixel-Perfect approach between `Appbar` and `SidebarItems` visibility
                - SidebarItems (Desktop version): AppLogo - Nav menu list - Logout button
            # Map
                - Scooters: SVG icon
                - GoogleMapReact: Random pins

# Tech Stack

# Run the app on Github Pages or Heroku