Personal Information

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  • Antalya, Turkey - nuri [at]
  • Sex: Male / Date of birth: 08.11.1988
  • Languages: Kurdish (Mother tongue), Turkish (fluent), English (fluent)

Work Experience

10/01/2022 – Present @ Backend Developer @ finbyte GmbH

Antalya, Turkey

finbye is a FinTechs company that provides solutions for clients. Working with finleap connect GmbH as the client. Aim to provide open banking functionalities within the latest most demand technologies via the "Digibank" project.

Being responsible as a back-end developer in the team and managing the NestJS and GraphQL-based structure on TypeScript which is powered by Github actions/checks/CI-CD process, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) for infrastructure. Back end structure moves to the microservice structure with Ap ollo Federation. Deploying the application to the serverless AWS Lambda services. All the provisioner process is being handled with IoC (Infrastructure as Code) approach via tools Terraform, Terragrunt.

Working closely with Solarisbank AG to consume the required APIs. Using Auth0, Kibana, Mailjet as some of side-tech solutions. Managing the project life-cycle 2-week based sprints on Jira and benefiting on various Agile Scrum methodologies

01/11/2020 – 01/01/2022 @ Backend Developer @ Kiwi Mobility

Antalya, Turkey

Improving backend service and creating newly RESTful APIs/services within partly on microservice architecture. Generating the required documentation and diagrams. Managing database contents through needs and configuration on the DevOps side for the CI/CD process.

  • Tech skills/stack:
    • Development: Enterprise-level & Data-Intensive application development with IoT (devices), AGILE (Scrum) project management (Jira/MS Teams), Team leading/mentoring, document best practices for technical and user-friendly flows (w/ diagrams), GIT and branching best practices, Conventional commits, stage/environment separations on releases (release/develop/staging), Code quality approaches with linting, git-hooks..
    • Backend: Understanding of asynchronous programming, package management and event-driven deployment, ES6 (Async Await/Arrow functions) server-side development; Project structure by components/layers NodeJS, ExpressJS, SailsJS, MVC structure, Mongoose ODM, and Waterline ORM for DB schemes, Authentication, and authorization w/ JWT, RESTful API design, CRUD, Socket.IO, CRON, Handlebars/EJS/Pug, templating, JOI validation, Nodemailer; Secure w/ bcrypt, helmet, sanitize, cors, husky, lint-stage, linter, jsdocs, GeoJSON, geolib, app testing, API documentation, Swagger (OpenAPI Specification), logging/monitoring.
    • Database: MongoDB and Microsoft Cosmos DB for documentation-based databases. PostgreSQL; DB dump/restore and migration process, DB Schema install scripts for tables, views, functions, constraints, defaults, PK, FK, sequence, unique.
    • DevOps: Cloud services on Microsoft Azure and Heroku PaaS, DigitalOcean, CloudFlare Plesk; Travis CI, Azure App Services, Azure Dev (repository), CI/CD w/ pipelines, releases, Azure API Gateway (Management) and CDN profiles, Azure Secrets Key-Vault, Azure FrontDoor (Security/Firewall/RateLimiter), Azure App Services Insights/SSH/Monitoring, Serverless structures with Azure Functions. Linux OS, Hosting: CNAME, DNS, SSL, DDoS protector. UptimeRobot monitoring.
    • Additional (fundamentals): PHP, Laralvel, OOP, Data Structures & Algorithms, React, Vue, Typescript, Docker, knex.js, AMQP, Rabbit MQ, MQTT, Sequielize.

01/06/2017 – 25/10/2020 @ Frontend Developer Hotech: Hotel Technology Ecosystem GmbH

Antalya, Turkey

Otello project is fully data-intensive application. Thus providing OOP based; most  generic, modular, optimised, efficient code-blocks are important for application performance, user-friendly usage and code maintainability. 

Collaborating mostly with Design Team and DevOps/Project Supervisor/Business Analysts to develop required front-end screens/products within deadline schedules.

ExtJS 6: Main framework for Application; Framework uses MVVM design pattern as application architecture. So I'm responsible to create Development requests depends on modular projects or bug-fixes.  

  • Role: Front End Developer / Team leading
  • Tech stack: Javascript, ES6, Sencha ExtJS, Bryntum Siesta Testing tool, VCS/GIT, CI, Design Patterns, Data Structure and Algorithms, CSS/SASS, Agile, Sprint Scrum.

01/04/2016 – 11/01/2017 @ Hotech: Hotel Technology Ecosystem GmbH

Antalya, Turkey

Hotech product B2B application for Hotel industry as a PMS application to provide management tools for hotels to handle process and data about their operational/financial activities.

I've been responsible to teach application usage to Hotel employees. Answering their questions for a better understanding.

  • Role: Development Training Specialist
  • Tech stack: Firebird SQL, SmartInspect (Logging framework for Delphi), Wiki and Wikimedia tools (Publishing user guides), CRM tools and Google Enterprise products (Project management).


01/09/2020 – Present @ Computer Programing, Ataturk University

  • Undergraduate level, Computer Programing.

10/05/2008 – 10/04/2012 @ Tourism Faculty, Akdeniz University

Antalya, Turkey
  • Undergraduate level, Tourism management.
  • General:
    • Language: English, German (intermediate) French (elementary)
    • Mathematics, computer applications, economics
  • Occupational: Tourism business management (hotel, restaurant, entertainment center), food and beverage services, marketing, accounting, animation

15/02/2010 – 12/07/2010 @ School of Business Studies, Universidad de Sevilla

Seville, Spain
  • Undergraduate level - E.U. Socrates Erasmus Student.
  • General:
    • Language: English, Spanish
    • Computer applications
  • Occupational: Tourism business management, marketing, finance, economics, sociology of tourism in Andalusian, Spanish Tourist Regions

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