- This project is rewriting...
- You can see the old version on old_version folder until new version finished
- I will add unit tests and exception handling
- Services
1- Movie Services
- MovieGetTMDBService
- MovieGetDBService
- MoviePostService [include delete]
2- TvShow Services
- TvShowGetTMDBService
- TvShowGetDBService
- TvShowPostService [include delete]
3- Generic Service (for genre, production companies and production countries)
- Libraries
1 - RepositoryLib
- MovieRepositoryLib [PostgreSQL - ORM]
- TvShowRepositoryLib [MySQL - JDBC]
- GenericRepository [MySQL - ORM]
2 - DTO Lib
- Services
1 - UserService [include security]
- Libraries
1- UserRepositoryLib [MongoDB - ORM]
- Scheduler Services:
- Send email to user specific range
- Backup Databases
Development Diagram [Updated]