GoLang experimental project to test 'spf13/viper' and 'go-sql-driver/mysql' libraries
I used this project to test the 'spf13/viper' and 'go-sql-driver/mysql' libraries.
MySQL Connection handler: Click here to see the source code
var connection *sql.DB
func createSQLConnection() *sql.DB {
// Open up a database connection using the settings.yml credentials.
settings := config.ReadConfig()
sourceName := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s:%d)/%s", settings.Username, settings.Password, settings.Hostname, settings.Port, settings.Database)
connection, err := sql.Open("mysql", sourceName)
// if there is an error opening the connection, handle it
if err != nil {
return connection
func GetConnection() *sql.DB {
if connection == nil {
// Database connection is undefined
connection = createSQLConnection()
if err := connection.Ping(); err != nil {
// Database connection is defined but closed
connection = createSQLConnection()
// Return database connection
return connection
Database settings struct definition: Click here to see the source code
type Settings struct {
Database string `yaml:"database"`
Username string `yaml:"username"`
Password string `yaml:"password"`
Hostname string `yaml:"hostname"`
Port int `yaml:"port"`
Database settings management: Click here to see the source code
func ReadConfig() *Settings {
// Create a new Viper configuration parser instance
config := viper.New()
// Set the file name of the configurations file
// Set the path to look for the configurations file
if err := config.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error reading config file, %s", err)
settings := &Settings{}
unmarshalErr := config.Unmarshal(settings)
if unmarshalErr != nil {
fmt.Printf("unable to decode into config struct, %v", unmarshalErr)
return settings
Minecraft server struct definition: Click here to see the source code
type MinecraftServer struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Domain string `json:"domain"`
Score int `json:"score"`
Image int `json:"image"`
OnlinePlayers int `json:"onlinePlayers"`
MaxPlayers int `json:"maxPlayers"`
Minecraft server sql fetcher: Click here to see the source code
const query = "SELECT `server_id`, `server_domain`, `players`, `max_players`, `server_score`, `server_icon_id` FROM `server_list` ORDER BY `last_ping` ASC LIMIT 10"
func queryForResults() *sql.Rows {
// Obtain the MySQL connection
connection := mysql.GetConnection()
// Execute the query and return the result rows
results, err := connection.Query(query)
if err != nil {
panic(err.Error()) // proper error handling instead of panic in your app
return results
func parse(results *sql.Rows) MinecraftServer {
var server MinecraftServer
// Scan the result into the MinecraftServer composite struct
err := results.Scan(&server.Id, &server.Domain, &server.OnlinePlayers, &server.MaxPlayers, &server.Score, &server.Image)
if err != nil {
panic(err.Error()) // proper error handling instead of panic
return server
func GetServers() []MinecraftServer {
// Obtain row results from sql database
results := queryForResults()
// Collect all minecraft servers structs and return them all
var servers []MinecraftServer
for results.Next() {
servers = append(servers, parse(results))
return servers
func main() {
servers := fetchers.GetServers()
for _, server := range servers {
fmt.Printf("Server '%s' has %d online players\n", server.Domain, server.OnlinePlayers)