
Introduction :

The goal of this project to create a virtual network of linux machine. I create a new shell command, called rvsh which works in two following modes: connect mode and admin mode.

When the file is run, check for the existence of the following three files:

  1. users.txt : contains the usernames, their password and the list of machines to which they have the right of access
  2. machines.txt : contains all the machine created by admin
  3. connection.log : contains the list of current connections with the user name, machine name, login date and time, and terminal name.

Project content :

Verification functions

Function Description
verifNbArguments() check the number of arguments passed in parameter when the user types the rvsh command
verifNomMachine() check whether the machine name entered by user exists
verifUtilisateur() check whether the user exists
verifAccess() check if the machine connected and that the user has the right to connect to this machine
verifMdp() check the password entered by the user to establish the connection.

Log functions

Function Description
ajoutLog() Add a log to the connection.log file each time a user logs in
supprimeLog() delete the log from the connection.log file each time a user logs out.

Connect Mode

This mode allows a user to connect to an existing virtual machine on the network. These virtual machines were created by admin. A user can connect to several machines at the same time. To use mode 1, the user must type the command :

$ ./ -connect machineName username

List of commande :

Commande Description
who provides information on the different connected users, it is the linux 'who' command
rusers displays the list of users connected to the network
rhosts display the list of machines connected to the virtual network.
connect allows the user to connect to another machine on the network.
su allows the user to change users or to open a session of another user in the same machine, it is the Linux 'su' command
passwd allows the user to change password across the entire virtual network, it is the linux 'passwd' command.
write allows the user to send a message to other user logged on to a network machine, it is the Linux 'write' command
finger display the information about users, it is the Linux 'finger' command.

Admin Mode

Admin mode allows the administrator to log in to admin mode to manage users and virtual machines. To use mode 2, the admin must type the command

$ ./ -admin adminPassword

List of commande :

Commande Description
help contains the display of the other commands with a short guide how to use them and what parameters they need
host delete amd add machines.
users delete, add and give user rights to machines
afinger open file afinger for user