
This project detects non-coliding objects using event-based camera and then sends coordinates of their center to ROS topic.

First of all you need to download metavision SDK libraries following the instructions from the Prophesee official page


  • Ubuntu 20.04 or 18.04
  • ROS Noetic or ROS Melodic
  • Metavision Essentials 2.1


  • Clone the source code to your catkin workspace

        cd catkin_ws/src
        git clone https://github.com/nurlando04/Event-based-tactile-sensor
        cd ..
  • Compile

  • Source the workspace

        source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

Getting Started

You simply need to rosrun the C++ file

rosrun tracking prophesee_ros_spatter

If you want to tune the camera you can add that option and add path to the bias file

rosrun tracking prophesee_ros_spatter -b ~/catkin_ws/src/tracking/out.bias 

Instructions on how to create the bias can be found here