A development environment by IO19

The project deploys development environments including two storage server, two developing servers and two compiler server. The overview of the project is show below:



In order to deploy the development environments the below steps are required:

Foreman Pre-Configuration

You need to config the Foreman once you setup the Foreman, if you have not configured it yet, please follow below steps:

Create Host Groups:

  1. Login to the Foreman
  2. Navigate to "Configure" → "Host groups"
  3. Create the host group below:
Name Environment
Compile Servers production
Development Servers production
Storage Servers production

The result is:


Script runner

Navigate to root by running

sudo su

Clone project

git clone https://github.com/nurrebass1/io19-development-environment.git 

How to run

cd io19-development-environment

Copy your .openstack file to the directory.

Open the projectx.mln file and modify the following:

  1. IP address of your master/Foreman server and the hostname if it differs from yours
  2. The keypair name

Now you can start the deployment using the command below:

python3 deployer.py

When you see the Please config classes in Foreman then

  1. login to the Foreman
  2. Navigate to "Configure" → "classes"
  3. Click on "Import environments ..." and update.
    The result is:
    You should assign each class to a host group. So click on each class and assign to host group/groups based on below table:
Class name Environment Host groups
compiler::install production Compile Servers
devutils::install production Development Servers
glusterfs::install production Storage Servers
passhash::install production Compile Servers, Development Servers, Storage Servers
users::configure production Compile Servers, Development Servers, Storage Servers


Now, please navigate to the "Administer" → "Settings", and check the DefaultHostGroup configuration: DefaultHOstGroup

The script is running in the background, so please wait until end of the script.


To cleanup the environment run

python3 cleanup.py