
Velocita - Composer caching reverse proxy

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Docker Image Version (latest semver) Docker Pulls License

Velocita is a caching reverse proxy for Composer repositories and package distribution locations, such as Packagist or GitHub.

  • Speeds up downloads for package metadata and dist files
  • Serves cached files even if the source location is unreachable
  • Can be used as a shared cache by multiple developers, CI, etc.
  • No changes required to your project's files!


There are two parts to Velocita:

  • Velocita Proxy, a caching reverse proxy
  • Composer-velocita, a plugin which instructs Composer to use a Velocita Proxy instance

Running Velocita Proxy

Velocita is available as a Docker image. There are two supported ways to run this image:

Using docker compose

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone https://github.com/isaaceindhoven/velocita-proxy
    cd velocita-proxy
  2. Copy .env.dist to .env

  3. Edit .env and set:

    • VELOCITA_URL: the URL (e.g. https://mydomain.tld) on which Velocita is hosted
    • VELOCITA_TLS_ENABLED: set to true to enable HTTPS
    • VELOCITA_TLS_CERT_FILE: the path to your X.509 PEM-encoded certificate (or chain) for the domain
    • VELOCITA_TLS_KEY_FILE: the path to the private key associated with the certificate
  4. Start Velocita:

    docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.https.yml up -d
  5. Done!

Using docker

Alternatively, you can run the Docker image directly: see the image's usage instructions.

Using Composer-velocita

Composer-velocita is a Composer plugin that redirects downloads to your Velocita instance for all repositories it supports.

Run the following two commands on the machine where you want to enable Velocita, replacing https://url.to.your.velocita.tld/ with the URL of your instance:

composer global config allow-plugins.isaac/composer-velocita true
composer global require isaac/composer-velocita
composer velocita:enable https://url.to.your.velocita.tld/

And you're all set!


See the Docker image instructions for environment variables that you can use to configure the proxy's behavior.


Velocita can give you major performance improvements when a package is not present in the local cache. For example, installing the PHPUnit dependencies from composer.lock:

Configuration Duration Relative
Composer 2.2s ± 0.1s 100%
Composer + Velocita 0.5s ± 0.1s 23%

Command: composer install --profile after composer require phpunit/phpunit:9.5.19 and clearing both the local cache and the vendor folder.

Velocita works great together with Symfony Flex:

Configuration Duration Relative
Composer + Symfony Flex 4.7s ± 0.7s 100%
Composer + Symfony Flex + Velocita 1.6s ± 0.2s 35%

Command: composer create-project symfony/skeleton:v6.0.99 symfony --profile after clearing the local cache.

Benchmark setup:

  • Velocita is configured with mirrors for Packagist and GitHub Codeload
  • PHP version 8.1.4
  • Composer version 2.2.10
  • Symfony Flex 2.1.6



Raise an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.