Qiscus Multichannel Demokit

Objective: The main goal is to ease business taking sales order from WhatsApp with proper level of sophistication. More Qiscus Multichannel for Sales

Features Highlight

  • Sales Order template: For capturing essential order data for later to be used for e-invoice and order reporting generation.
  • Auto Order ID generation: Provide unique ID number for easy order referencing and tracking.
  • Auto call URL generation: Provide auto audio/video call links for end user and for agent
  • Auto room tag by Order ID: To speed up room filtering process for later monitoring and audit purposes.


  • Node = 13.7.0
  • Npm = 6.13.6

Setting up Project

  • Setup environtment variable, rename .env.example to .env
  • Install all project dependencies.
npm install

How to Run

  • Compiles and hot-reloads with nodemon
npm run dev