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##Ar Design Tool

A tool for you to build augmented reality apps.

##Installation instructions

Step 1: Install chocolatey for windows via command prompt (administrator)
> open command prompt (run as admin)
>  @powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin

Step 2: Install nodejs *yes to everything
> choco install nodejs

Step 3: Install nodemon
> npm install -g nodemon

Step 4: Install Gulp
> npm install -g gulp

Step 5: Install Bower
> npm install -g bower

Step 6 (optional): Install node-gyp (requires Python 2.7, not 3.x):
> npm install -g node-gyp

Step 7: Install dependencies 
> npm install 
> bower install

Step 8: Install mysql server 
> Set password
> Set port (default is 3308)

Step 9: Install and create test database via mysql command line utility
> Login with password
> create database test

##Folder Structure

|-----	api		 			(Contains consolidated documentation) 
|-----	app		 			(Files for the webapp) 
|-----	backend_server_demo	(Backend team's folders)
|-----	bower_components	(Dependencies installed by bower)
|-----	.gitignore			
|-----	.travis.yml			(travis ci yml file)
|-----	bower.json			
|-----	coverage-final.json
L-----	README.MD 			

##Running Server

To run the server:
> npm start 

if server crashes:
> npm install

##Folder Structure

|-----	AR Design 		(Files for the webapp) <---- CI for this folder
|-----	Backend Server	(Backend team's folders)
L-----	Frontend 		(Frontend team's folder)

##Run SASS watch To run SASS watch > gulp

##Testing Guide (Javascript Test) To run all test: > npm test

To run front end test only
> gulp open-frontend-coverage

To run back end test only
> gulp open-backend-coverage

To check Javascript and SASS lint
> gulp lint

	- Make sure code is inside the coverage
	- Make sure coverage is above 90%
	- Linter has no warnings