User Guide

Features are to be used on the Serial Monitor on Arduino.

Features & Usage

The format of commands below keep to the following.

ℹ️ Words in UPPER_CASE are parameters.

Move Effector

Move all actuators to the same absolute position. POS will be parsed and converted to a value, following the table below. It can interpreted as a percentage automatically. maxEncVal was empirically determined to be 50000.

POS Parsed as
POS < 0 0
0 <= POS <= 100 POS * maxEncVal / 100
100 <POS<= maxEncVal POS
POS > maxEncVal maxEncVal

Format: m POS

Example: m 500

Move Actuator

Move chosen actuator to desired position

Format: {a/b/c} 500

Example: b 500

Test Movement

Test predefined movement of the effector. This can be used to determine actuators A, B & C.

Format: t

Calibrate Encoders

Calibrate position and value of encoders. The value will be 0 at the lowest position.

Format: r

View Help

View help text - all commands as listed on this document - on the Serial monitor.

Format: h

Command summary

Action Format, Examples
Move m POS
e.g., m 500
Move Single {a/b/c} POS
e.g., b 500
Test t
Calibrate r
Help h