
  1. Create New Backend Project

    • Begin by creating a new backend project.
    • Add simple routes to your project.
    • Push the project to GitHub.
  2. Create and Setup New Virtual Machine (VM)

    • Set up a new VM for your project.
  3. SSH Login to VM

    • Use the standard username and password to SSH into your VM. For instance: ssh root@
  4. Run Ubuntu Update

    • Update Ubuntu using the following commands:
      sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
  5. Install Node.js

    • Install Node.js using the following commands:
      cd ~
      curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash
      sudo apt install nodejs -y
  6. Clone Repository to VM and Install Dependencies

    • Clone your GitHub repository to the VM.
    • Run npm install to install project dependencies.
  7. Configure GitHub Actions

    • Navigate to your repository on GitHub.
    • Go to the Actions tab.
    • Choose Node.js.
    • Write the workflow, referring to .github/workflows/node.js.yml for guidance.
  8. Setup Environment Variables

    • Navigate to Settings.
    • Go to Secrets and variables, then Actions.
    • Click New repository secret.
    • Create three variables: HOST, PASSWORD, and USERNAME, using details from your VM.
    • Re-run the workflow.
  9. Install PM2 and Start Application

    • Log in to your VM via SSH.
    • Install PM2 globally using npm install pm2 -g.
    • Navigate to your project folder.
    • Start your application with the following command:
      pm2 start index.js --watch
  10. Add More Routes and Monitor

    • Experiment by adding more routes to your application.
    • Optionally, run pm2 monit to monitor the processes.
  11. Customize Port (Optional)

    • If you wish to run the app on a custom port, install ufw.
    • Allow the custom port using ufw.
    • and setup nginx for reverse proxy

Follow these steps to set up your backend project efficiently, ensuring smooth development and deployment processes.