
FairDB is an Object Relational Mapping library (ORM) which implements a time based version management for parameter handling.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The FairDB Database interface is on Object Relational Mapping library (ORM) which implements a time based version management for parameter handling.


You need to first install the FairRoot framework and then follow the instructions at the FairRoot github page.

Getting started

Tutorials how to write/read parameter classes are provided in the dbExamples subdirectory.

  • Basics shows how to use the FairDB interface to read and write objects using the generic parameter interface to any supported database system i.e MySQL, PosGreSQL and SQLite. Two type of parameter classes are implemented with simple data members FairDbTutPar complex data members i.e ROOT object FairDbTutParBin

  • Advanced shows how to use more advanced features like dedicated validity intervals, composite objects and caching mechanism.

In both cases, corresponding macro to read and write as well as a script. To setup the database to be used (dbconfig.sh) are available from the macro directory

FairDB Web Interface

FairDB uses the powerful Wt framework to allow the user to quickly develop web application. The following picture shows the Cbm Sts Web Interface as an example of the web programming functionality using FairDB. Cbm Sts Web Interface


The FairDB Web Interface has been sucessfuly tested on the latest MacOSx (Mevericks, Yosemite) as well as the latest Ubuntu Linux ( 14.04LTS and 15.04). If you experience some problem with other system just email me @ d.bertini@gsi.de


In order to compile the FairDB interface code, you will need to first install the Wt library. You can find general install documentation here. But be aware that the install procedure has to be slighlty adapted in order to work properly with FairDB.

  • The BOOST library used in the FairSoft should be also used to compile Wt.

  • The Haru free PDF library has to be installed and used to compile Wt. You can find instruction how to install the Haru library here.

  • Install script tested for Ubuntu (14.04 LTS and 15.04):

cmake -DHARU_PREFIX=/usr/local/lib -DBOOST_DIR=<where_FairSoft_is_installed> <path_to_Wt_source>
  • Install script tested for MacOSX (Mavericks, Yosemite):
cmake -DHARU_PREFIX=/usr/local/lib -DBOOST_DIR=<Where_FairSoft_Is_Installed>
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS='-stdlib=libc++' -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS='-stdlib=libc++'
-DWT_CPP_11_MODE='-std=c++11' -DPOSTGRES_PREFIX='/usr/local/pgsql'
-DMYSQL_PREFIX='/usr/local/mysql' -DMYSQL_LIBRARY='/usr/local/mysql/lib' <path_to_wt_source>

And just install the library and the Wt examples in your system:

> cd build
> make
> make install
> make -C examples

Install FairDB with Wt

Once Wt is installed on your system, you can install FairDB by adding and building the dbase module in FairRoot. For that you need to get dev branch of the dbase module from its GitHub repository i.e:

> cd <path_to_FairRoot>
> git clone https://github.com/denisbertini/dbase dbase
> cd dbase
> git fetch
> git checkout -b dev origin/dev

Check if you are using the FairDB source from the development branch

> git branch -a

In order to compile FairRoot with FairDB you should set the cmake flag -DWITH_DBASE=ON to generate the corresponding Makefiles.

Runing the Cbm Sts QA Web Interface.

The FairDB source directories are the following:

-rw-r--r--   1 denis  staff   4.3K Aug 26 15:03 CMakeLists.txt
-rw-r--r--   1 denis  staff   4.9K Aug 26 15:03 FairDBLinkDef.h
-rw-r--r--   1 denis  staff   3.6K Sep  1 12:43 README.md
drwxr-xr-x   3 denis  staff   102B Aug 26 15:03 cmake/
drwxr-xr-x   4 denis  staff   136B Aug 26 15:03 dbExamples/
drwxr-xr-x   8 denis  staff   272B Apr  2 10:54 dbIO/
drwxr-xr-x   4 denis  staff   136B Aug 26 15:03 dbInput/
drwxr-xr-x  90 denis  staff   3.0K Aug 26 15:03 dbInterface/
drwxr-xr-x   6 denis  staff   204B Apr  2 10:54 dbMQ/
drwxr-xr-x  17 denis  staff   578B Apr  2 10:54 dbUtils/
drwxr-xr-x  14 denis  staff   476B Aug 26 15:03 dbValidation/
drwxr-xr-x  21 denis  staff   714B Aug 31 12:28 dbWt/
drwxr-xr-x   3 denis  staff   102B Sep  1 11:03 doc/

The FairDB-Wt base classes can be found in the /dbWt directory. The Cbm Sts QA Web interface classes can be found in the dbExamples/cbm_sts directory:

-rw-r--r--   1 denis  staff    87B Aug 26 15:03 CMakeLists.txt
drwxr-xr-x   5 denis  staff   170B Aug 28 13:20 data/
drwxr-xr-x   8 denis  staff   272B Aug 31 12:42 macros/
drwxr-xr-x  13 denis  staff   442B Aug 31 11:47 src/
drwxr-xr-x  32 denis  staff   1.1K Sep  1 11:40 web/

Priming the Database

You need first to prepare the database in order to run the example. In the /src directory one can found the macros to prime the database with some example Sts sensor Qa data-files.

> cd macros

Configure the back-end database where you want to store the data as tables. This example suppose that you already installed MySQL back-end and configure it which means that you have created a database (cbm), a user (scott) and the corresponding password (ySqaoRT1234).

> . dbconfig.sh local_mysql
local_mysql  session configured as:

The run the macros to prime the DB.

> root stsqa_prime.C -l

Running the HTTP server and the web application

To run the web application just move to the FairRoot build/bin directory where all FairRoot executables are located.

> cd build/bin
> ./cbmstsqawt.wt
-I- FAIRDbConnectionPool  fGlobalSeqNoDbNo  0
-I- ~ Creating ~ FairDbParFactory
-I- CbmStsQaWt::getWorkEnd()
            Working environement is -----> /Users/denis/fairdb/fairroot/fairbase/
[2015-Sep-01 13:20:25.914509] 44090 - [info] "config: reading Wt config file:
           (location = './cbmstsqawt.wt')"
[2015-Sep-01 13:20:25.915375] 44090 - [info] "WServer/wthttp: initializing built-in wthttpd"
[2015-Sep-01 13:20:25.915826] 44090 - [info] "wthttp: started server:"

The HTTP server is now ready to listen to any client on the localhost loopback address ( at port 5564. Go to your favourite browser and type simply the address and the port to connect your HTTP server as a client.

The treeview on the left side shows the list of parameter objects stored in the SQL database backend. To fetch the data from the database and view the parameter contents, select first the parameter you want to visualize. A mouse right-click shows a dropdown menu. Select "View" to visualize :

Cbm Sts Web Interface

To view the Current-Voltage curve for a particular sensor, select it and again mouse right click and use the menu "showIV" :

Cbm Sts Web Interface

Customizing your HTTP server

The setup for the HTTP server can be changed to your need by editing the source file which generate the process at:

> cd <path_to_FairRoot>/dbase/dbExamples/cbm_sts/web
> emacs cbmstsqawt.cxx &

At line 151, on can change the port and address for the HTPP server in the argument list:

 const char * const v[9] =
	"--docroot", str_doc.c_str(),
	"--approot", str_app.c_str(),
    "--http-port", "5564",
    "--http-address", ""

You need then to recompile and re-run the wt process.


FairDB is a rewrite/re-design of the original database interface code from Nick West for the Minos collaboration at Fermilab.

New extensions have been implemented (Denis Bertini, Evgeny Lavrik):

  • Including support for Oracle, PosGresSQL and SQLite database backend.
  • Generic template based data classes using CRTP design allowing automatic generation of C++ code
  • IO interface library to FairROOT RuntimeDB interface
  • Wt interface library allowing data scraping/visualization from DB to any WebBrowser using HTTP protocol
  • ZeroMQ based multiple client access for scalability