
MQTT example for button/bell pair at Fox.Build

Primary LanguageC++



This is the code for programming the esp8266s used in the button & bell at Fox.Build.

Both the "button" and the "bell" send regular (10s intervals) heartbeat messages to the MQTT server on the /fox/build/heartbeat topic (payload is the nth heartbeat sent since boot).

If the "button" is pushed then a MQTT message is sent out to the topic /fox/build/bell; code prevents mashing down and holding the button continuously by only allowing a retrigger every 5s (default).

If the "bell" receives a 1 on the /fox/build/bell topic, then it pulls pin 5 HIGH for 250ms (default).


The "button" is wired to pin 2 of the esp8266 (and uses the internal pullup resistor). The "bell" relay is wired to pin 5 of it's respective esp8266 (goes HIGH on receiving a message).

How to Flash

If you are programming the bell leave //#define ISBUTTON commented out
If you are programming the button uncomment #define ISBUTTON

MQTT messages system responds to:

/fox/build/bell/ring 1 ### ring bell
/fox/build/bell/duration <ms> ### set duration in ms
/fox/build/button/retrigger <ms> ### time before next retrigger

MQTT message system generates:

/fox/build "The button is now online"
/fox/build "The bell is now online"
/fox/build/heartbeat "button #<N>" ### is the n-th heartbeat since the button came online
/fox/build/heartbeat "bell #<N>" ### same for the bell