
trustor (PoC)

Primary LanguagePython

This proof of concept tool has been released with the related blog post:

Is KAX17 performing de-anonymization Attacks against Tor Users?

It is a partial and quick and dirty proof of concept implementation of the following specifications to configure a tor client to use trusted exit relays only.

NOTE: This proof of concept is NOT fit for general use and not meant to be used by end-users!

This limited version only selects exit relays and leaves other positions unchanged. It supports a max_depth of 0 only (no recusion to find trusted operators).

this proof of concept code performs the following steps

  • reads the trust configuration and validation cache
  • connects to a local tor client via it's ControlPort to find relays claiming to be from a trusted operator
  • validates claims via HTTPS (routed via tor) or DNS including DNSSEC check (can also be routed via tor but requires dnscrypt-proxy)
  • writes a validation cache to disk
  • configures the local tor client (non-persistently) to only use exits from trusted operators that passed the validation steps


  • a local tor client must be running (see sample torrc file)
  • dnssec-root-trust must contain the DNSSEC Root Trust Anchor (IANA)
  • local dnscrypt-proxy daemon, configured to route (encrypted) DNS via tor's SOCKSPort
force_tcp = true

proxy = 'socks5://'



  • this PoC comes with an empty trust_config file, users need to add entries (example)
  • dnscrypt-proxy is expected to listen on otherwise configure the IP address in the resolv.conf file
  • generate a password hash via tor --hash-password randomstringgoeshere and paste it into the torrc config (or use ControlSocket instead)
  • add the plaintext password to the controller_password= line in the script
  • torcontactinfoparser needs to be installed manually
  • on debian pyunbound is in the python3-unbound package

used libraries