
Code to evaluate the correlation of GEC metrics to human judgments.

Primary LanguagePython

A Reassessment of Reference-Based Grammatical Error Correction Metrics

If you use the data/code from this repository, please cite the following paper:

  author    = {Chollampatt, Shamil and Ng, Hwee Tou},
  title     = {A Reassessment of Reference-Based Grammatical Error Correction Metrics},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the  27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics },
  month     = {August},
  year      = {2018},
  address   = {Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA},
  url       = {http://aclweb.org/anthology/C18-1231}

The directory structure is as follows:

├── data
│   └── conll14st-test
│       ├── conll14st-test.m2
│       ├── conll14st-test.tok.src
│       └── refs
│           ├── conll14st-test.tok.trg0
│           └── conll14st-test.tok.trg1
├── README.md
├── run.sh
├── scores
│   ├── sentence_pairwiseranks_humans
│   │   ├── expanded.csv.gz
│   │   └── unexpanded.csv.gz
│   ├── sentence_scores_metrics
│   │   ├── gleu.txt.gz
│   │   ├── imeasure.txt.gz
│   │   └── m2score.txt.gz
│   ├── system_scores_humans
│   │   ├── expected_wins.txt.gz
│   │   └── trueskill.txt.gz
│   └── system_scores_metrics
│       ├── gleu.txt.gz
│       ├── imeasure.txt.gz
│       └── m2score.txt.gz
├── scripts
│   ├── sentence_correlation.py
│   └── system_correlation.py
└── tools
    └── significance-williams

  • The scores/system_scores_{humans,metrics}/ directory contains human and metric scores at system level

  • The scores/sentence_scores_metrics}/ directory contains metric scores at sentence level.

  • The scores/sentence_pairwiseranks_humans}/ directory contains human pairwise rankings of system output sentences.

  • Human judgments are obtained from: https://github.com/grammatical/evaluation/

  • Three automatic GEC metrics are used:

  1. GLEU
  2. I-measure
  3. MaxMatch or M^2 score
  • Data used to run metrics are from CoNLL-2014 shared task (given in data/ directory)

  • Scripts to find system-level and sentence-level correlations are adapted from WMT (given in scripts/ directory)

  • William's significance test was done using the code in tools/significance-williams/ directory (originally from https://github.com/ygraham/significance-williams)


To run the system and obtain system-level (+significance tests) and sentence-level scores, run: ./run.sh

The results are stored in results/ directory.