How to run the Test


  1. Java environment
  2. Maven

Note: Configure web-driver path and test email address.

  • Configure webdriver.

    • I used ChromeDriver but you can choose other webdriver eg. Mozilla GeckoDriver
    • So first download ChromeDriver from
    • Copy your downloaded chromedriver.exe file path.
    • Go to E2EUserJourney\src\test\java\testcases\mytheresa\ file.
    • Paste the copied file path in System.setProperty("","Paste path here").
  • Configure test email address.

    • Change the value of USER_EMAIL in E2EUserJourney\src\main\java\variables\mytheresa\
    • Note: with same email address you can not create account , so please change the email address before every run of the test.

Project is ready to run. Execute following commands and enjoy the automatic web-driver test.

  • Go to project path in terminal. For example: C:\Users\User-Name\eclipse-workspace\E2EUserJourney>
  • Run mvn clean
  • Run mvn compile
  • Run mvn test

You can find the test result in E2EUserJourney\target\surefire-reports\index.html.