
some additional NodeProxy methods

Primary LanguageSuperCollider

NodeProxy enhancements

some additional NodeProxy methods

Add a method 'seti' to NodeProxy, allowing to set an arg for a single channel in a multichannel NodeProxy:

// 5-channel NodeProxy
Ndef(\multichannel, {

// [ [ freq, [ 220, 220, 220, 220, 220 ] ] ] -> freq in all 5 channels set to 220

// set the first and third channel's freq to 330 and 234
Ndef(\multichannel).seti(\freq, [0, 2], [330, 234]);

// [ [ freq, [ 330, 220, 234, 220, 220 ] ] ]

an additional NodeProxy role

This NodeProxy role allows you to set args for each channel individally with an individual timing

// we need to add a role for each channel of the NodeProxy
Ndef(\multichannel).numChannels.do({ |i|
  // add a role (a new, additional source) at 1 (0 is the Ndef's original source)
  Ndef(\multichannel)[i+1] = \seti -> Pbind(
    \freq, Pseq(#[220, 240, 330], inf),
    \dur, Prand(#[0.1, 0.3, 0.5], inf),
    \channelOffset, i // the channel to be set, rather an offset than a fixed value