
Headless Wordpress Starter built with the NextJS App Router and React Server Components

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Next.js Starter for WordPress Headless CMS

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WordPress_Next_js Starter by 9d8

Deploy with Vercel

This is a starter template for building a Next.js application that fetches data from a WordPress site using the WordPress REST API. The template includes functions for fetching posts, categories, tags, authors, and featured media from a WordPress site and rendering them in a Next.js application.

next-wp is built with Next.js 14, React, Typescript, Tailwind, shadcn/ui, and brijr/craft. It pairs nicely with brijr/components for a rapid development experience. Built by 9d8.

Table of Contents


  • lib/wordpress.ts -> Functions for fetching WordPress CMS via Rest API
  • lib/wordpress.d.ts -> Type declarations for WP Rest API
  • components/posts/post-card.tsx -> Component and styling for posts
  • app/posts/filter.tsx -> Component for handling filtering of posts

There are two env variables are required to be set in .env.local file:


You can find the example of .env.local file in the .env.example file (and in Vercel):

WordPress Functions

The lib/wordpress.ts file contains several functions for fetching data from a WordPress site using the WordPress REST API. Here's a brief overview of each function:

  • getAllPosts(filterParams?: { author?: string; tag?: string; category?: string; }): Fetches all posts from the WordPress site. Optionally, you can pass filter parameters to filter posts by author, tag, or category.

  • getPostById(id: number): Fetches a single post by its ID.

  • getPostBySlug(slug: string): Fetches a single post by its slug.

  • getAllCategories(): Fetches all categories from the WordPress site.

  • getCategoryById(id: number): Fetches a single category by its ID.

  • getCategoryBySlug(slug: string): Fetches a single category by its slug.

  • getPostsByCategory(categoryId: number): Fetches all posts belonging to a specific category by its ID.

  • getPostsByTag(tagId: number): Fetches all posts tagged with a specific tag by its ID.

  • getTagsByPost(postId: number): Fetches all tags associated with a specific post by its ID.

  • getAllTags(): Fetches all tags from the WordPress site.

  • getTagById(id: number): Fetches a single tag by its ID.

  • getTagBySlug(slug: string): Fetches a single tag by its slug.

  • getAllPages(): Fetches all pages from the WordPress site.

  • getPageById(id: number): Fetches a single page by its ID.

  • getPageBySlug(slug: string): Fetches a single page by its slug.

  • getAllAuthors(): Fetches all authors from the WordPress site.

  • getAuthorById(id: number): Fetches a single author by their ID.

  • getAuthorBySlug(slug: string): Fetches a single author by their slug.

  • getPostsByAuthor(authorId: number): Fetches all posts written by a specific author by their ID.

  • getPostsByAuthorSlug(authorSlug: string): Fetches all posts written by a specific author by their slug.

  • getPostsByCategorySlug(categorySlug: string): Fetches all posts belonging to a specific category by its slug.

  • getPostsByTagSlug(tagSlug: string): Fetches all posts tagged with a specific tag by its slug.

  • getFeaturedMediaById(id: number): Fetches the featured media (e.g., featured image) by its ID.

These functions provide a convenient way to interact with the WordPress REST API and retrieve various types of data from your WordPress site. They can be used in your Next.js application to fetch and display WordPress content.

WordPress Types

The lib/wordpress.d.ts file contains TypeScript type definitions for various WordPress entities and related data structures. Here's an overview of the main types:

  • Post: Represents a WordPress post with properties such as id, title, content, excerpt, author, categories, tags, and more.

  • Category: Represents a WordPress category with properties like id, name, slug, description, parent, and count.

  • Tag: Represents a WordPress tag with properties similar to Category, including id, name, slug, description, and count.

  • Page: Represents a WordPress page with properties like id, title, content, excerpt, author, parent, and template.

  • Author: Represents a WordPress author with properties such as id, name, slug, description, avatar_urls, and meta.

  • BlockType: Represents a WordPress block type with properties like name, title, description, icon, category, attributes, and more.

  • EditorBlock: Represents a block in the WordPress editor with properties like id, name, attributes, innerBlocks, and innerHTML.

  • TemplatePart: Represents a template part in WordPress with properties such as id, slug, theme, type, content, title, and status.

  • SearchResult: Represents a search result from WordPress with properties like id, title, url, type, and subtype.

  • FeaturedMedia: Represents featured media (e.g., featured image) in WordPress with properties like id, title, caption, alt_text, media_details, and source_url.

  • FilterBarProps: Represents the props for a filter bar component with properties authors, tags, categories, and selected values for each.

These type definitions provide type safety and autocompletion when working with WordPress data in your Next.js application. They ensure that you are accessing the correct properties and passing the expected data types when interacting with the WordPress REST API.

Post Card Component

The components/posts/post-card.tsx file contains the PostCard component, which is responsible for rendering a single post card in the application. Here's an overview of the component:


  • post: A Post object representing the WordPress post to be rendered.


  1. The component fetches the featured media, author, and category associated with the post using the getFeaturedMediaById, getAuthorById, and getCategoryById functions from lib/wordpress.ts.

  2. It formats the post date using the toLocaleDateString method with the specified options.

  3. The component renders a link to the individual post page using the post's slug.

  4. Inside the link, it displays the post's featured image, title, excerpt, category, and date.

  5. The post title and excerpt are rendered using the dangerouslySetInnerHTML attribute to handle HTML content.

  6. The component applies various CSS classes to style the post card, including hover effects and transitions.


To use the PostCard component, import it into your desired page or component and pass a Post object as the post prop.

Filter Component

The components/posts/filter.tsx file contains the FilterPosts component, which provides a filtering interface for posts based on tags, categories, and authors. Here's an overview of the component:


  • authors: An array of Author objects representing the available authors to filter by.
  • tags: An array of Tag objects representing the available tags to filter by.
  • categories: An array of Category objects representing the available categories to filter by.
  • selectedAuthor: An optional string representing the currently selected author ID.
  • selectedTag: An optional string representing the currently selected tag ID.
  • selectedCategory: An optional string representing the currently selected category ID.


  1. The component uses the useRouter hook from Next.js to handle navigation and URL updates based on the selected filters.

  2. It renders three Select components for filtering posts by tag, category, and author. Each Select component displays the available options and allows the user to select a specific value or choose "All" to reset the filter.

  3. When a filter value is changed, the handleFilterChange function is called with the filter type and selected value. It updates the URL query parameters accordingly and navigates to the updated URL.

  4. The component also includes a "Reset Filters" button that, when clicked, calls the handleResetFilters function to navigate back to the /posts page without any filters applied.

  5. The selected filter values are passed as props to the component and used to set the initial values of the Select components.

  6. The selected filter values are passed as props to the component and used to set the initial values of the Select components.

  7. The selected filter values are passed as props to the component and used to set the initial values of the Select components.

Built by Bridger Tower and Cameron Youngblood at 9d8