
A turbocharged json object hydrator for your DTOs

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Strongly typed hydrator for PHP 8.0+

Fork of the original project https://github.com/sunrise-php/hydrator.


composer require nutgram/hydrator

How to use?

use SergiX44\Hydrator\Hydrator;

$hydrator = new Hydrator();

// create and hydrate an object with an array
$data = [/* the class props here */];
$object = $hydrator->hydrate(SomeDto::class, $data);

// hydrate an object with an array
$data = [/* the class props here */];
$hydrator->hydrate($object, $data);

// creates and hydrate an object with JSON
$json = '{...}';
$object = $hydrator->hydrateWithJson(SomeDto::class, $json);

// hydrate an object with JSON
$json = '{...}';
$hydrator->hydrateWithJson($object, $json);

// pass JSON decoding flags
$hydrator->hydrateWithJson($object, $json, $options);

Allowed property types


If a property has no a default value, then the property is required.

public string $value;


If a property has a default value, then the property is optional.

public string $value = 'foo';


If a property is nullable, then the property can accept null.

public ?string $value;

If the property should be optional, then it must has a default value.

public ?string $value = null;


Accepts the following values: true, false, 1, 0, "1", "0", "yes", "no", "on" and "no".

public bool $value;
['value' => true];
['value' => 'yes'];


Accepts only integers (also as a string).

public int $value;
['value' => 42];
['value' => '42'];


Accepts only numbers (also as a string).

public float $value;
['value' => 42.0];
['value' => '42.0'];


Accepts only strings.

public string $value;
['value' => 'foo'];

Array<array-key, mixed>

Accepts only arrays.

public array $value;
['value' => [1, 2, 'foo']];

Array<array-key, class>

Accept a list of objects.

final class SomeDto {
    public readonly string $value;
use SergiX44\Hydrator\Annotation\ArrayType;

public array $value;
    'value' => [
            'value' => 'foo',
            'value' => 'bar',


Accepts only objects.

public object $value;
['value' => new stdClass];


Integers (also as a string) will be handled as a timestamp, otherwise accepts only valid date-time strings.

public DateTimeImmutable $value;
// 2010-01-01
['value' => 1262304000];
// 2010-01-01
['value' => '1262304000'];
// normal date
['value' => '2010-01-01'];


Accepts only valid date-interval strings based on ISO 8601.

public DateInterval $value;
['value' => 'P1Y']


Accepts only values that exist in an enum.

enum SomeEnum: int {
    case foo = 0;
    case bar = 1;
public SomeEnum $value;
['value' => 0]
['value' => '1']


Accepts a valid structure for an association

final class SomeDto {
    public string $value;
public SomeDto $value;
    'value' => [
        'value' => 'foo',

Property alias

If you need to get a non-normalized key, use aliases.

For example, the Google Recaptcha API returns the following response:

    "success": false,
    "error-codes": []

To correctly map the response, use the following model:

use SergiX44\Hydrator\Annotation\Alias;

final class RecaptchaVerificationResult {
    public bool $success;

    public array $errorCodes = [];


final class Product {
    public string $name;
    public Category $category;
    public array $tags;
    public Status $status;

final class Category {
    public string $name;

final class Tag {
    public string $name;

enum Status: int {
    case ENABLED = 1;
    case DISABLED = 0;
$product = $hydrator->hydrate(Product::class, [
    'name' => 'Stool',
    'category' => [
        'name' => 'Furniture',
    'tags' => [
            'name' => 'Wood',
            'name' => 'Lacquered',
    'status' => 0,

Test run

composer test