
Funakoshi Equihash Cuda Miner

In release v2.3 added simple telemetry, fixed bugs wasting cpu, and improved stability.

In release v2.2 there is a jump in performance when using multiple gpu's (rig).

A breakthrough in performance has been implemented in release v2.1

Now Funakoshi-Miner is the fastest equihash solver.

Can be used for mining:

 All equihash crypto coins: Zcash (ZEC), ZClassic (ZCL), ...
 via any of the supported pools (using SSL ports).

Download Funakoshi Miner:


No Virus attached:

Ask McAfee

Developer fee:

1.5 %


Over 500 solves per-second for GTX 1080 (without overclocking).

Nvidia Pascal GPUs auto manage the clock depending on current load.

Note: The statistical nature of the EquiHash algorithm causes
the reported solves per second to change all the time.

Each 15 seconds, Funakoshi solver logs its counters of hashes/secs and solves/secs (no cheating).
Disregard the first reported speed (it is lower due to initial handshake with the pool).

What's important to you is the pool measurement. From the pool you earn your money.
Thus when you want to compare the speed of different miner programs ask the pool.
Note that the pool also changes its estimation of miner speed all the time. So,
you should take the avarage over time.

The miner submits to the pool only a small portion of the solves (depending
on the current target difficulty), and the pool estimates the miner speed.
Each submit event is logged.

Exactly 1.5 percent of all submited solves are used as developer fee.

Supported pools:

* Slushpool
* Supernova
* Flypool
* Nanopool
* Miningspeed
* Coinmine
* Miningpoolhub
* Nibirupool
* Luckpool

Note: Only secured ports (SSL connections) are supported.

Supported Operating Systems:

 * Windows-7 and above  (file: funakoshiMiner.exe)
 * The following Linux distributions: Ubuntu, Fedora  (file: funakoshiMiner)

Tested on:

* Windows 7, 10 
* Ubuntu 16.4, 17.10
* Fedora 26, 27

Not working on:

* Centos 6, 7

Supported GPUs:

* Nvidia Pascal and above

Tested GPUs:

* Nvidia GTX 1070
* Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti
* Nvidia GTX 1080
* Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti
* Titan Xp collector's edition

Command-Line arguments:

* Selected GPUs  : -cd 0 1 2 ... (selects which cuda-devices meaning GPUs to use - starting from 0)
* Pool Address   : -l poolDomain:sslPort  (domain of pool server plus SSL port)
* Pool User      : -u user.worker (your account name in the pool plus worker name)
* Wallet Address : -u tWalletAddress.worker (your t wallet address plus worker name)
* Max Temperature: -temp-max t1 t2 ... one value (celsius) per each GPU. When reached
                    solver suspends work until temp' drops to corresponding -temp-min
* Min Temperature: -temp-min t1 t2 ... one value (celsius) per each GPU. When GPU temp'
                    drops from corresponding temp-max to temp-min work is resumed
* Max Temp' all  : -temp-max-all t (defines same upper temperature bound for all GPUs).
* Min Temp' all  : -temp-min-all t (defines same lower temperature bound for all GPUs).
* Password       : -p x (usually not required)
* Log File       : -f fileName (from release v0.9)
* Telemetry      : -tele-port p  (activating http telemetry and listening on


Pascal GPUs auto control clock speed to prevent the temperature from going too high.
To be on the safe size you can set -temp-max to 83 and -temp-min to 75 (for example).

Some pools require you to sign-up and define an account. For those pools the account-name
is passed in the -u argument. Other pools require you to pass your 't' wallet address and
for those pools your wallet-address is passed in the -u argument.

When running the miner and Chrome (for viewing telemetry) on the same machine, Chrome may
prevent Pascal GPUs from auto boosting. Thus it is recommended to run Firefox on the same
machine or to run Chrome on another machine and use SSH tunnel.

Usage example (on Linux & via Slushpool & using 1 Nvidia device):

funakoshiMiner -cd 0 -l zec.slushpool.com:4443 -u userName.workerName

Usage example (on Linux & via Supernova & using 1 Nvidia device & max GPU temperature):

funakoshiMiner -cd 0 -l zec.suprnova.cc:2242 -u userName.workerName -temp-max 82 -temp-min 75

Usage example (on Windows & via Flypool Europe server & using 3 Nvidia devices):

funakoshiMiner.exe -cd 0 1 2 -l eu1-zcash.flypool.org:3443 -u tYourWalletAddress.workerName

Usage example (on Linux & via Nanopool Europe server & using 2 Nvidia devices):

funakoshiMiner -cd 0 1 -l zec-eu1.nanopool.org:6633 -u tYouWalletAddress.workerName

Usage example (on Linux & Mining ZClassic via Miningspeed US server & using 3 Nvidia devices):

funakoshiMiner -cd 0 1 2 -l us.miningspeed.com:3054 -u tYouWalletAddress.workerName

Usage example (on Windows & Mining ZClassic via Coinmine & using 4 Nvidia devices):

funakoshiMiner.exe -cd 0 1 2 3 -l zcl.coinmine.pl:7017 -u userName.workerName

Usage example (on Windows & Mining Zcash via Miningpoolhub US-East server & using 4 Nvidia devices):

funakoshiMiner.exe -cd 0 1 2 3 -l us-east.equihash-hub.miningpoolhub.com:20570 -u userName.workerName

Usage example (on Windows & Mining ZEN via Nibirupool & using 4 Nvidia devices):

funakoshiMiner.exe -cd 0 1 2 3 -l zen.nibirupool.com:7777 -u znYourWalletAddress.workerName

Usage example (on Windows & Mining Zcash via Luckpool & using 4 Nvidia devices):

funakoshiMiner.exe -cd 0 1 2 3 -l luckpool.org:3358 -u tYourWalletAddress.workerName