Visualize syntactic expressions from Rascal using JavaScript.


JavaScript libraries

The required JS libraries are listed in src/DownloadDeps.rsc. They can be downloaded via the function loadDeps(). To do that, click Rascal → Start Console in Eclipse and then type the following into the Rascal terminal/console:

import DownloadDeps;


In Eclipse, click Rascal → Start Console. This starts a Rascal terminal/console in the lower pane. In the terminal, type the following:

import Server;

This imports src/library/Server.rsc and runs the function serveIt(). The server is now running and can be accessed on localhost in your browser. Type this in the address bar:


You should now see some JSON data.

You need to download the JS dependencies to visualize things; see the Installation section.

Data model

The data model is a graph which is a set of triples (three-tuples):

alias Graph = rel[Id,Id,Id];

The rel[…] data type is an alias for set[tuple[…]], so the above declaration is in principle equivalent to:

alias Graph = set[tuple[Id,Id,Id]];

Each triple (tuple[Id,Id,Id]) in the graph represents an edge. An instance of this type is:

<id, label, childId>


  • id is the original vertex/node.
  • label is the edge’s label.
  • childId is the next vertex.

See: src/Triples.rsc.