
为 Mp3tag 新增日本区 iTunes 数据源

Mp3tag Tag Source for iTunes

Now you can add ID3 info from iTunes automatically!

You need make sure this album is exist on Japanese iTunes store. For other area, see below.

How to use

Download and copy to %appdata%\Mp3tag\data\sources

Open Mp3Tag > Tag Sources > iTunes

Search by defult album name or iTunse album ID

iTunse album ID

Each album on iTunes has a unique ID. Once you open a iTunes link, you will find it in the address bar.

The last set of numbers is the ablum ID.

For example:


The ablum ID is 897462736

What will be changed

For ablum:

  • Album name

  • Album artist

  • Composer

  • Release year

  • Genre

  • Cover image

For songs:

  • Song title

  • Artist

  • Disc number

  • Track number

Ohter area

Open iTunes.src with any text editor, replace JP with your country code.